Chapter Fourty-Five

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"So, when do you think Remus is going to propose?" Lily asks out of the blue.

We are sitting outside under one of the trees that looks out over the lake. It's November now, so it is extremely cold. I'm bundled up in one of Remus's thick coats. I have on a gray knit hat and gloves that match. I'm not sure where the boys are and I'm not sure about the other girls. Alice and Marlene have recently gotten boyfriends and they haven't been around as much. Alice has gotten with Frank Longbottom and Marlene hasn't introduced us to her boyfriend or told us much about him.

"I'm not sure, I doubt it. I think it will take him awhile to get it together enough to ask. I could be wrong though." I reply.

She nods, "I think James is going to ask me to be his girlfriend when we go out this weekend."

"Are you gonna say yes?" I ask.

She nods and I smile. I don't reply because I get distracted while looking at the sky. There's a lot of large grey clouds rolling in and I bet it is going to snow tonight. I watch the clouds and I let my mind wander to what life would be like if Remus actually proposes.

I can imagine us having a small but nice wedding. Lily would be my maid of honor and the other girls would be my bridesmaids. I would want a muggle wedding so my other friends could come. After that I would want a simple honeymoon before we move into a house of our own. I want kids but I know Remus isn't going to want kids because he thinks he is too dangerous.

I sigh loudly and close my eyes. I like the name Leo a lot for a boy. For a girl I really like the name Lyra or Lindsey. I like a lot of L names. I also like the name Hayden for a boy.

"I'm cold I'm gonna head inside." Lily says. I just nod and let her walk away and I go back to looking at the grey sky.

I bet Remus would be a great dad. He is so loving and gentle. He has his faults but he would be a good dad.

After awhile he walks up and sits on the ground beside me. I know it's Remus because I know how his footsteps sound.

"I've been looking everywhere for you. You need to come inside you're gonna catch a cold." He tells me.

He reaches over and grabs my hand and rubs circles on it with his thumb.

"If we get married are you gonna want kids?" I ask.

I can tell my question surprises him because his jaw drops and he doesn't say anything.

I look back up at the sky and continue, "I think you wound be a great dad. I can see us ten years from now living in our own house with three little kids. If I could have it my way it would be two boys and a girl. The boys would have your hair and your eyes but they would have my freckles. Our girl would have my hair and eyes but she would have your smile."

"You know I can't have kids, Grace, it's dangerous."

I have to roll over so I'm not facing him because I start tearing up.

"We would take precautions to make sure they are safe, but I can't make you want kids." I say quietly.

Remus is silent for a minute before he grabs my arm and pulls me up so I'm sitting. He pulls me into a hug then mumbles into my shoulder, "Let's go inside and take a nap."

I nod and let him pull me to my feet. We walk back to his dorm in silence. He keeps his arm around me the entire time and I lean my head on his shoulder. I realize I'm not upset over him not wanting kids. I'm just tired and it is making me emotional. I'm sure I can talk him into having kids with me eventually. We are still young, we have plenty of time.

Once we get back to the dorm it is empty. I go and sit on his bed while he goes to change into comfy clothes. He comes back with just basketball shorts on and no shirt. He looks really hot with his muscles and veiny arms but I'm to tired to care. He comes over and takes off my shoes for me and my coat. He grabs one of his old shirts and hands it to me to change into because the clothes I have on aren't very comfortable.

"You can change in the bathroom or I can just turn around or-"

He doesn't get to finish because I just pull off my shirt to just change right there real fast. We have been dating for awhile and I don't care if he sees me in my bra. Before I can put his shirt on though he snatches it from me and holds it above my head. I stand up and try to jump up and grab it but I miss. I try again but then I stop because I realize that's what he wants me to do, and I know because his eyes are trained on my chest.

"Rem just give it back." I whine.

"Take it from me." He says playfully.

"No." I say grumpily.

"Fine then I will just keep it. I'm enjoying the scenery anyway. It's just too bad your bra is covering all the best parts." He says poking at it.

I roll my eyes, two can play at this game. I walk up to him and press myself up against his chest. I play with the hem of his shorts but he doesn't seem fazed. I can feel him through his pants so I start rubbing him through his shorts. He throws his head back and let's out a deep moan. He is still holding my shirt up so I remove my hand and step back. Apparently he didn't like that because he pins me down to the bed in seconds. He kisses me roughly.

"You started something, now finish it." He demands.

Small Timeskip

Not long after, we are both laying in bed together snuggled up to each other under the blankets. I'm exhausted and my body aches.

"Wow." Remus says exhaling "That was better than I imagined."

I blush fiercely and he grins and kisses me gently.

"Are you okay? Was it okay?" He asks sweetly

"It was great but now I need a shower and I'm exhausted." I answer

"Alright." He gets up and grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed but I almost fall back down because my legs are weak.

He smirks proudly and I roll my eyes. He pulls me into the bathroom and starts the shower. He gets in then pulls me in too. I'm exhausted so I just stand under the water and let it warm up my cold body.

"Is something wrong? I'm sorry, I should have made sure you were ready."

I shake my head and kiss him. "It was perfect, I'm just tired. Can we go to bed soon?"

He kisses me again and nods. "I love you."

"I love you too"

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now