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11 years later
Luke and Harry start their first year of Hogwarts tomorrow and everyone is over at my house to celebrate

Lily, Marlene, and Kayla are in the kitchen fixing food. James, Sirius, Remus, Matthew, and Logan are all outside watching the kids play in the pool.
Since the war has ended, our lives have been wonderful.

Matthew finally settled and he works a simple ministry job. He found himself a wife and they are expecting. He has been a great uncle to the kids, and I'm so proud of him.

Marlene is still with her girlfriend, but they travel a lot. Now that Marlene doesn't really have much family, she has decided she wants to see the world and that is what her and her girlfriend do. She is just here visiting for the weekend.

Alice and Frank didn't make it out as lucky as we did. They are staying at St. Mugos permanently.  Bellatrix Lestrange got hold of them, and she tortured them to the point they lost their minds. We have gone several times to visit them over the years, and it never gets easier. I still cry every time. I lost one of my closest friends.

Sirius and Kayla got married about five years ago. They don't have any kids yet, but they are trying. They are just now settling down and trying to start a family. Both of them are really close with the rest of the kids, though.

James and Lily are still together, and they have a girl now. They named her Gracelyn Euphemia Potter. Gracelyn after me, and then Euphemia after mom. Grace is only two years younger than Harry, so they argue regularly, but I think that they will eventually grow to have a relationship like James and I have. James and Lily want one more kid, than they say they will be done having them. I'm happy for them, though. They're great parents.

Mum and dad passed away about a year after the war. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever been through. Out of everyone I've lost, their deaths hurt the worst. They died within days of each other after getting dragon pox. James and I inherited one half of their fortune each, and Sirius got the house. I won't say that I wasn't surprised they gave the house to Sirius. I was okay with it though because Sirius and Kayla needed a real house.

Logan found himself a wizard wife, and he is around quite a bit now. They have a son, and he starts Hogwarts next year.

Lastly, it comes down to Remus and me. We have had a lot go on in the past 11 years. We've had three more kids, and I'm expecting again. We said that the last time was going to be the last kid, but we were wrong. Very wrong.

We have Luke, and then we had a set of twins. A boy and a girl. The boy is Cole Fleamont Lupin and the girl is Carina Hope Lupin. They are 9 but turn ten in a few months. After them, we had another boy, and we named him Thomas Sirius Lupin, and he is about 4 years right now.

Our house is practically bursting at the seams with kids, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Once the war ended, we didn't hold back on trying to live our lives.

Since everyone is together, I'm finally announcing that I'm pregnant again. I'm sure everyone won't be shocked about the pregnant part, but I have some other news that will probably shock them. Remus doesn't even know yet.

I finish what I'm doing in the kitchen and I have the girls come outside with me. Once we get out there, I go over to Remus.

"Hey, love. You look beautiful." He says, kissing my forehead like he has most likely every day since we've been married.

"I'm ready to make the announcement." I told him.

He nods, knowing what I want to do.

"Kids! Out of the pool! We have something to talk about, and then it's time to eat." He yells.

It takes a minute, but then all the kids make it over to us. Carina and Cole are soaking wet because they didn't have enough sense to grab their towels. They have grass stuck to their feet, but they look so happy. Harry and Luke look mad that they had to get out of the pool, and the rest of the kids just look tired from playing in the sun all morning.

I smile and clap my hands so all the kids and adults look at me. "Alright so I know we said Tommy would be our last kid!" I pause for the dramatic effect. "But....we found out a couple of weeks ago that we are expecting once again!"

Everyone congratulates us and all the kids seem happy except for Luke and Harry. They are sick of the little kids pestering them.

"That's not all." I say.

Remus looks at me weird because I didn't tell him what else was going on.

"I went the other day for my muggle sonogram, and they were able to tell me some things. For one, they told me the gender"

Once again, I pause for the effect because I like to just be annoying like that.

"It turns out I'm having another set of twins! Another boy and girl!"

James busts out laughing and all the kids cheer. Sirius and Logan congratulated me, and so does Lily.

The only person who is having trouble with it is Remus. He looks like he regrets every decision he has ever made.

James walks over and pats his back. "Look it won't be that bad, it's only.....six kids.....sorry it took me a second to count them all."

James walks off laughing, and Remus just looks tired.

"After you have these kids, we are done." Remus says, wrapping his arm around me.

I kiss him and nod.

"Mmmmm." He groans quietly. "This is why we have so many kids. You kiss me, and it gets me all excited and I can't control myself, then next thing we know, you are pregnant.

I roll my eyes and lay my head on his chest and just let him hold me. I look around our yard at my beautiful family and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I have four, about to be six, beautiful kids. I have brothers who love me to death, and I'm an aunt to many adorable nieces and nephews.

I'm so thankful that I never gave up when things got hard. I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives bring.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now