Chapter Fifteen - Summer

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(Large Time skip)
It is currently mid-summer and James and I are helping clean up after breakfast because Remus and Sirius are coming over today. Peter was invited but he always has some excuse not to come.

"So I figure they will get here then we will all get ready and go swim for awhile then come in and eat lunch. After lunch we will play some quittich and maybe swim again." James says as he puts a large stack of plates away.

I just nod in reply. I'm exhausted because I stayed up all night last night reading. I'm also in a mood because it seems like James is planning on spending the entire time the guys are here in the pool. Swimming a lot wouldn't be a problem except I don't know how to swim.

It is really stupid that I'm about to turn 15 and I still can't swim. Growing up I never had a place to swim so it wasn't necessary. When I got a bit older my friends and I would go out to the lake and play but I always stayed where I could touch. I just lied and told everyone that I was afraid there would be snakes in the water if I went to deep. Logan is the only person who knows I can't swim. He really helped me out a lot when we would go to the lake because he always made sure I was okay and that no one pressured me to go out where it was deep.

Now that I am living with the Potters I have to hide it from them that I can't swim. I go out to the pool a lot but I always say at on the shallow side if I get in the water. I mostly just float around on my watermelon float. I have only fell off of it once and it was pretty scary. I held onto the float and kicked my way to the side and got out.

I'm currently stressing because I am going to have to either make up an excuse to sit in the house while they swim or make sure I stay on the shallow side while not giving it away that I can't swim.

I finish wiping off the table then go sit in my room still ignoring James. I grab my book to start reading but I can't focus. It is really stressing me out that the other boys are coming today. I love them but I'm just not in the mood for their chaos today. I set my book down and walk over to my dresser. I open he drawer and pull out my bikini that I got at the beginning of summer. It is white with small strawberries scattered across it. I really like it but I hate looking at my body. I have put on a lot of much needed weight so I don't look like skin and bones as much anymore but I'm still insecure. I drop the swimsuit on my dresser. I walk out of my room to get a water from the kitchen because I'm feeling kind of sick and I'm hoping it will help.

I have to pee so I decide to stop by the bathroom before I go all the way downstairs. I soon realize why I am so grumpy. I bang my head on the wall in frustration. Why did I have to start my period today?! I reach behind me to get a tampon from the cabinet but there isn't any. Only pads. I growl in frustration because that means I have to go to the store because I'm going to need those if I'm wanting to swim.

I recompose myself and walk out of the bathroom and downstairs to find Euphemia. She is in the living room sitting on the couch reading the Daily Prophet.

"Hey Euphemia I'm gonna run to the store down the street for something and I was wondering if I could have a bit of money?" I ask her tiredly.

She sits the paper down looking up at me giving me her full attention. "Yes, but may I ask what you are going over there to get?"

I watch as she reaches over to the end table to pick up her pocket book. "Girl stuff." I reply. I used to be awkward asking her or telling her about stuff like that but now it doesn't even phase me.

She just nods and gives me a mhmm. She looks up handing me a handful of coins. "Hopefully the boys aren't to crazy this week because I have a feeling you aren't gonna have the patience."

I grin at her dropping the coins into my pocket. "I agree." I reply

I put on my shoes and walk down the street to the store. I walk in and the door chimes alerting the person at the front counter that someone entered the store. I see a boy who is probably only two years older than me peek his head around the counter. "Good-morning!" He greets me cheerily. I give him a much less enthusiastic "good-morning" in return.

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