Chapter Thirty-One - Summer

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It is finally the end of testing week. I have spent my last few weeks cramming for the tests that we have just finished. I've been studying with all the boys, Lily, and sometimes Regulus.

I'm still helping tutor him some but not as often. He has been keeping me updated on the death eater stuff he finds out. So far there hasn't really been much more talk about recruiting me. So I'm just going to lay low for right now.

Anyway it is currently Friday and we just got through taking the DADA O.W.L. We are leaving tomorrow to go home.

I walk with the boys out of the resting room and I listen to them tease Remus about the werewolf question. I roll my eyes at them and try to ignore them.

"What should be do for our end of the year prank?" James asks.

We all shrug.

"I don't know I don't normally help with you guys pranks." I tell them.

"Well you should." Sirius says butting in.

I roll my eyes at him. I tell the boys that I'm going to go and find Lily then I walk off leaving them. I only half-way look for Lily as I wander the halls. I don't end up finding her so I just head up to my dorm. I do a few more things but I end up going to bed pretty early.

The next morning I wake up about 20 minutes before the train has to leave. I rush to get the rest of my stuff packed. I put on an old t-shirt and leggings and throw my hair in a messy bun. I rush to the train and I make it just in time. I find the compartment that the boys are in and I go in and sit beside Remus.

"So what are your plans for the summer?" Peter asks looking at me.

"I'm gonna hang out with Lily and Remus some but other than that I'm just going to chill at home." I tell him.

He nods and we are all silent. I tiredly lean over and lay my head on Remus. I close my eyes and just relax. Eventually the boys pick up talking again but I'm not listening. I eventually nod off to sleep.

We arrive at the platform and Remus shakes me awake. James, Sirius, and Peter all grab their stuff and leave the compartment but Remus stays and helps me get my stuff. He carries my stuff for me till we get off the train. Once we get off he gives me a long hug.

"I love you. I'll see you in a week or so if I can. I'm going to try to come and visit." He says.

"I love you too. I'll see you then." I say.

He kisses me on the forehead and we go our separate ways.

I go back home with my family and I'm so happy to be home. I love Hogwarts but my home is with my family.

James and I take our stuff upstairs. I put my stuff in my room then I go off to bother James.

I go in his room without knocking and I flip down on his bed. He is unpacking his trunk but he stops to look at me.

"Shouldn't you be unpacking?" He asks.

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll do it later." I tell him.

"Whatever. What are you planning on doing for your birthday? You are the last Marauder to turn sixteen. We did a little party for Remus and a pretty big party for Sirius and I. Your birthday is in the summer so that makes it like 100 times more fun." He says.

"I'm probably going to go out and do something fun with Lily and let Remus take me out on a date maybe. Other than that I figure we will do cake and some presents here at home." I explain.

"That's lame." He huffs.

I roll my eyes at him and go to my room. I go downstairs again for dinner but I head to bed pretty early that night because I'm still exhausted from studying so much.

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