Chapter Ten - Fourth Year

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(Chase POV)
The days till Thursday fly by and it if finally almost time for my date. Last night I spent a few hours working on homework so I would be caught up and only have today's homework to work on tonight. I am currently in the Great Hall to get something quick to eat with the girls then we are going to go back to the dorm so I can get ready. I walk in and decide to sit with my boys because I haven't spent much time with them the past few days. I sit between Sirius and Remus with James and Peter in front of us.

"Hey, how have you guys been?" I ask. James shakes his head tiredly "I'm going to kill Sirius if he snores again tonight like he did last night."

I just laugh in return. Sirius throws his hands up "Its not my bloody fault!"

Peter and I laugh at them then I turn to Remus "How have you been?" I ask nudging him gently with a smile.

He doesn't look up from his plate when he replies "I've been bloody brilliant." He says sarcastically:

I ignore it cause I know the full moon is tomorrow night. I can feel how frustrated and wore out he is so I just lean close to him and lay my head on his shoulder. I feel him rest his head on mine and I get butterflies. I close my eyes wishing I didn't like him so much. We sit like that for a few minutes then I get up.

"I have to go get ready for my date." I tell them.
They all nod and go back to eating. They all have mostly came to terms that I might start seeing someone and hopefully they stay that way.

I go get the girls and we head back to the dorm. I pick out some dark muggle skinny jeans and a light pink shirt. I let Marlene touch up my makeup and Alice brush and Dutch braid my hair. I grab my school bag and get ready to walk to the library.

"I will see you guys later."

They all just nod and I head down to the library. When I get there Nathan is already sitting at the table with books in-front of him. I take a seat in the chair beside him and he looks at me and smiles. I feel my face heat up so I look down and go to get my books.

"So what do you want to work on first?" I ask him while digging in my bag.

"Well can I be completely honest with you?"

"Uhhhh yeah" I say looking up at him.

He makes eye contact with me and I notice how bright blue his eyes are. "I don't really need help with anything. I was just using this as an excuse to get a date with you."

"Oh" I blush when he says this because I didn't really expect it.

" do you want to go somewhere else. Like on a walk or something?"

"Uh sure"

As soon as I answer he jumps up and grabs my hand practically dragging me out of the library.
We start walking and I let him lead the way assuming he has a idea of where he wants to go.

"So tell me about yourself. I don't know much about you except you are funny and have a pretty face." He says to me.

I don't blush this time when he calls me cute surprisingly. "I live with the Potters as their......adopted daughter. I am pretty good at school and I am trying out for quittich this year. Now your turn." I was kind of embarrassed to admit I'm adopted but he didn't seem to care.

"Well I live with my parents who are pure bloods and I also do well in school and I have never been good at quittich but I am quite good at the muggle game soccer." He tells me.

"I've never been a big fan of soccer. I prefer baseball." I reply

He just nods. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened with your parents. Have you always lived with the Potters?"

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