Chapter Fifty-Eight

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When I drop into the room it is pitch black. I grab my wand and mumble "lumos". My wand lights up and I can see my surroundings a bit better.

I'm in a musty basement that hasn't been kept up very well. It is really dusty and there are a lot of old boxes. I check the map and I decide to head upstairs.

I walk up the stairs as quiet as I can but the stairs creak horribly. When I make it I put out my wand. So far no one is around so I creep around to the next hall.

I hear someone coming but there isn't anywhere to hide. I stand against the wall hoping they don't notice me. Thankfully they go down a different hall, but it is the hall I need to go down.

I follow them and pull out my wand. I cast a silencing spell on them and then a stunning spell. They fall to the ground and I run over to them and grab their legs and drag them over to the side and hide them behind a plant.
I take their wand before moving on down a different hall.

I stay close to the wall so I'm less visible. I stop and check my little map and realize I have to go upstairs. I follow the map and it brings me to a big open area that has a staircase going up.

There are two men at the top of the staircase. Unfortunately by the time I notice them I am standing out in the open. I try to sneak back but one of them turns and we lock eyes. He nudges there other guy and he looks at me too.

Instead of running away and I walk towards them. I have to get to the snake one way or another.

They stay where they are and just watch me as I walk up the stairs toward them. I don't break eye contact with the man on the left and I don't stop till I'm right in front of them.

"Move." I say plainly.

They both look at me like I'm crazy. They pull out their wands and step towards me. I swallow thickly and put my hand out signaling for them to stop.

"I warned you once and I'm not going to do it again."

They ignore me and step closer. I use my powers and throw them back into the wall. They hit it with a thud but I ignore it and run up the rest of the way.

I'm at the top of the stairs when I hear one of them start talking. I know my cover is blown so I start running without caring who sees me. I check the map and rapidly make turns trying to find the snake before someone else finds me.
I come across a few more people but I just use my powers to throw them into the wall. It knocks most of them unconscious.

I eventually come to a door at the end of a secluded hallway. It is a grayish color that almost blends into the stone. I try to open it but it is locked. I get my wand out and cast the 'alomora' and the lock clicks. I slowly push open the door and I instantly regret agreeing to go on this mission.

The room is set up like a jungle sort of and the snake is massive. It is up a tree like thing wrapped around what looks like a tree branch. There are bones on the floor that look suspiciously human but I chose to ignore it.

I take a step inside and the snake lifts it's head and looks at me. I take a step back and it uncurls itself from the branch and slides down the tree. I quickly put a forcefield up around me so it can't get to me.

It comes up and tries to strike me but it can't because of the force field. It normally wouldn't be that scary but the snake is massive.

I take a deep breath and fish the fang from my belt. I take a deep breath and release the force field. The snake lunges at me again and I block it with another force field but I still fall backwards.

I crawl backwards and hold the fang tightly. There is no way I can get the snake with out pinning it down or stunning it first.

I hurriedly get to my feet and watch the snake come towards me. I suddenly get an idea of how to stun it.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now