Chapter Fifty-Six

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Today is the day. My brother is getting married to my best friend. It is a small ceremony but I'm so happy for them. I'm the Maid of Honor and Sirius is best man. Remus is the best man #2. Basically James and Lily HAD to have him in the wedding since we are all besties so they had to make up a place for him.

Anyway they are getting married today and leaving on a simple Honeymoon then they will be back and ready for the war. Which is so lovely. Not.

We are still setting up stuff and getting all the food and things ready. Lily came early to help set up and I shooed her away to go get ready. This is her day and she isn't going to spend it moving tables and hanging weird flower vines.

It ends up not taking real long because we were able to use my powers and magic. Once everything is set up we have about two hours to get ourselves ready. We quickly check with Lily to make sure everything is right and then we head to get dressed.

Alice, Marlene, Lily's mom, and my mum/Eupemia/ James mom are the other brides maids. We have to have something small because of the war so we had to work with who we had close.

Lily picked us out emerald green brides maids dresses because that is her favorite color. I don't look the best in it but that's ok because today is Lily's day and she has to be the most beautiful here. Plus I'll get her back at my wedding.

The other brides maids go off to get ready but I sneak off to go see Lily. She is already dressed in her dress and is just waiting to get her hair and makeup done.

She looks extremely nervous and I get why. This is a big commitment and I'm sure I will be just as nervous before my wedding.

I am determined to make today the best day of their lives. If that means being the peppy maid of honor that looks like a mole rat in their dress....then that's what I'll do.

"Hey Lils! You nervous." I say cheerfully.

I shake my head. Gross I can't be that happy I sound super fake. None the less she nods and I hug her tightly.

"I get this is a huge commitment and it must be terrifying but I am here for you no matter what. James is going to be an amazing husband and a great dad when the time comes. I've never had a family member care about me the way he does. I also want you to know that you can still come to me and complain about him no matter what. If you guys have a fight come tell me. I'm not going to side with him just because he is my brother. I will always be your best friend. Just because we are about to be family doesn't change that."

After I finish my long speech she hugs me tightly and sniffs a bit. She is crying but they are happy tears. I quickly get her a tissue. After that her mom walks in and I decide to go finish getting ready so her and her mom can have their alone time.

I go slip into my *cough* ugly *cough* dress. I do some light makeup but nothing crazy that will outshine Lily. I use my magic and powers to curl my hair and then I head out to go check if everything is ready.

Sirius POV
James is a nervous wreck. This is awful. The man has been in love with the same bloody woman for 7 years and he is worried about whether or not his vows will be good enough.

"Mate, I promise you will be fine. I bet she is just as nervous as you are. You are a catch and she knows it. You just need to go out there and be yourself. When you see her in her dress you will know what to say. Yeah it helps to have a bit of an idea beforehand but I'm sure it will come to you. You picked out a great girl and I'm proud of you. We have both grown up a lot over the years and I am so happy for you." I reassure him.

"So you think I'm a catch." He says cocking his eyebrow at me.

He literally ignored everything I said except for where I complemented him.

James POV
It's time. I'm standing up at the top of the aisle waiting on Lily to come. I have my two best friends beside me and it couldn't be more perfect. Especially since I might need them in case I pass out because I'm really feeling like that is a good possibility.

I'm standing trying not to puke from nervousness when she comes out from the back and starts walking down the aisle. Sirius was right. I know what I'm going to say.

Chase POV
I am standing beside Lily while her and James get married. I'm trying not to freak out because it is finally happening and I am so excited for them.

James is about to say his vows and he looks incredibly nervous. I peek over Lily's shoulder and give him a reassuring smile. He smiles back and takes a deep breath before starting.

"I can't believe I'm finally marrying you. I tried for so so long to get with you and I finally have you for forever. I knew from the moment we started dating....honestly I knew even before that, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a big happy family and grow old together. I want our kids to look at us and want a marriage just like ours. I want you to be the person that lifts me when I'm down and sticks with me through the good and the bad. I promise that I will never leave you and that I will always be here because my love for you will last a lifetime."

After he finishes I'm crying. He really really loves her. Lily goes next with her vows but it takes her a second because she is close to tears too.

"I wish I could say that I knew you were the one for me from the start, but I can't. It took me a long time to realize how amazing you are. I fell in love with you because you care so much for your family and friends. Your love for people is unconditional and it never waivers. I fell in love with you for your determination and your love for life. I could go on and on about why I love you but the list never ends. My love for you is unconditional and will never waiver."

After that I miss half the wedding because I'm crying because I'm so happy for them. They finish the ceremony and then it is time for speeches. Lots and lots of speeches.

Fortunately mine is one of the first ones so I'm not pretty ready for it.

"Today my best friend and my brother got married. Honestly it is a bit of a dream come true because I think they are perfect together and it is every girls dream to become family with their best friend. I could go on and on about how great they are together but I'm going to tell you about them individually. James is my brother but also my best friend and it honestly has me so emotional that he is finally grown up and married."

"When you are young you think you will stay young forever. I never thought about living in a different house than my brother up until it happened. I never thought about not being able to go hang out with him in his room that was right beside mine."

I have to pause for a second because I start to cry.

"I never thought about having to share him with someone else. Under most circumstances I would be upset about having to share him, but I am blessed that it is someone like Lily. She is an amazing friend and will be an amazing wife to my brother. When we first moved out I thought I would be losing my brother, but I realized that I will never lose him and instead of it just being him. I now have him and Lily to help me through life's trials."

After I finish I am in tears. The rest of the wedding goes by in a blur of dancing and pictures and finally saying goodbye as they leave for their honeymoon.

Authors Note
The image at the top is James and Lily's wedding venue!

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