Chapter Sixty

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Remus and I have been married for about three months and it has been an adjustment. It took a while to get used to living with him but we are going great now.

We finally have the bookshop open and I am on a good work schedule. The shop is doing pretty well so far and Remus seems to love it.

I haven't had another mission but the other guys have had a few short ones. Everyone is doing well as of right now. James and Lily are still happily married, Peter is the same as always, and Sirius has found himself a girlfriend.

By found a girlfriend I mean he asked Kayla out at my wedding and they have been going steady ever since. I'm pretty excited about it. I always thought Kayla would end up with Alex but I guess I was wrong.

Anyway it is a Thursday and I have the house to myself. I'm off work but Rem has to work the shop today. Everyone except for Lily is working today so I guess I'm just gonna have a me day.

I'm sitting on the couch reading a book when I start to feel sick. I run to the bathroom and puke. After I finish I sit of the floor trying to figure out what I ate that made me sick.

As I'm sitting there I spy the box of tampons that is sitting on the floor beside the toilet. Wait a second.....I pick the box up and try to think of the last time I had to use one. There is a thin layer of dust on the top of the box so I can assume it has been awhile.

I get up and walk outside. I apprate to the convenience store that's not far from my house. I walk in and grab a two muggle pregnancy tests. I pay and apprate home. I march straight to the bathroom and use them both. One only takes three minutes and the other takes five. I set them on the bathroom sink and sit down on the floor.

I get up and go to the phone. I call over to James house. The phone rings twice and Lily picks up.


"Come" I say and hang up immediately.

I walk back to the bathroom and sit on the floor. A few minutes later Lily walks in and looks at me like I've lost my mind.

"Why did you call me like that you had me scared to-"

She trails off as she sees the pregnancy tests on the sink. She immediately sits down beside me and grabs my hand.

"Look I'll take one and you take one and we will read them off together. I'm sure your just overthinking it. You guys have only been together for a few months."

I nod slowly. We both wait impatiently until the five minute one makes the noise saying it is done. Lily stands up and hands me one face down and she takes the other.

"Okay on three. One...two...three!"

With that we flip them over and read them.



We both say at the same time. Lily jumps up and cheers and gives me a huge hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

I shake my head.

"Remus is going to kill me. He doesn't want a baby yet." I explain.

She scoffs and pulls me into the living room.
"Look I'm going to call and get you a appointment scheduled. You can tell Remus when he gets home."

She walks off and comes back a few minutes later and hands me a small slip of paper with some baby appointment information.

She takes a seat beside me and wraps an arm around me. "Look Remus will be a great dad and he will be excited. It seems like it is horrible timing right now but just think that in less than a year you will have a baby Lupin running around here. Think of how loved it would be. I think this is great and I think the timing doesn't matter. You can always go into hiding for a bit. You will also always have us if something happens."

It takes a second for that to set in but when it does I smile. It might not be as bad as I think.

It's 4:00 and Remus has just gotten home. I'm sitting on the couch. I have to tell him. He walks in and kisses my head on his way to the kitchen.

"Do you want some water?" He asks from the other room.

I nod but then I realize he can't see me. "Yes please."

He walks back in and sets two glasses on the coffee table.

"So how was your day?" He asks.

I don't reply for a second and he looks at me and cocks his eyebrow.

"It was.....interesting. I have to tell you something but you have to promise you won't yell."

He nods.

"Well I uh...I took a baby test today." I shake my head and mentally face palm. "No, I mean I took a pregnancy test today."

I want to slap myself for messing up the words. He just nods not putting two and two together.

"I'm pregnant."

After I say it I feel a lot better. I've came to terms with it and I think we could be great parents. The only problem is I don't know if Remus feels that way.

"You'" He says slowly trying to comprehend it.

"Well yes that is typically how it works." I reply.

"I'm going to be a like a real child."

Godric he is slow.

"Remus. I am pregnant. I am having a real baby. You are going to be a dad." I explain it again in short sentences because he is having a hard time getting it through his head.

He sits there for a second and doesn't move. I start to think he is mad but then he crashes his lips into mine.

"WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS. Oh my gosh. WE ARE GONNA HAVE A MINI US." He yells hugging me.

I laugh because this is not at all how I expected him to react. I hug him back and he kisses me gently and puts his hand on my stomach.

"Is there really a baby in there?" He asks.

I look at his big doe eyes and I melt. He is so precious. I can't believe this man is in love with me.

"Yes babe, there is a baby in there."

Later that night we are laying in bed together about to go to sleep when Remus wraps me in his arms.

"Do you think it is a boy or a girl."

I shrug because I really have no idea.

"I hope it's a girl. I think I would be a good dad to a girl. I would take her to the bookshop to help me. I bet she would like to read."

"Rem I'm not even that far along and you are planning their entire life out." I laugh.

He ignores me and keeps telling me about how great having a baby is going to be.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now