Chapter Fourty-One

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I wake up and the room is almost pitch black. I panic for a split second thinking that I'm back in my cell but when I start thinking clearly I realize that I'm in my dorm with the girls. I look around and they are all sleeping. I get up and I put on some slippers and a hoodie. I have on a large pair of sweatpants so I'll be warm. I get up and I walk out of the dorm. I've been having nightmares since I got back from being kidnapped. They aren't horrible but sometimes they still wake me up at night. I have hardly been able to be alone since I got back. Everyone is so worried and concerned and I am happy that they care, but their constant presence around me is getting annoying. I've only been back about two weeks and it is already suffocating.

I leave my dorm thinking I'm just going to go sit in the common room for a bit, but that's not what happens. I fully intended on staying inside but I find myself standing outside looking over at the womping willow. I look around and down the small hill is Hagrids hut. I can see from here that the lights are on. I have no idea what time it is but I find myself walking down there. I make it to the door and I raise my hand to knock but it swings open before I get the chance. I get the feeling of deja vu because this isn't the first time this has happened.

"What ter ye doin out here this late?" Hagrid asks ushering me inside.

I walk in and I take a seat at his large table. I look around and I finally see a large clock on the wall. It is about 11:30. Hagrid comes and takes a seat across from me.

"I though yer was supposed to be with someone all the time now." Hagrid raises his eyebrows at me accusingly.

I look down at the table and shrug. "Well technically I am with someone, I'm here with you. "

"You know that's not what I mean"

I watch him get up and fix me some tea in one of his large cups. He puts a ton of sugar in mine and I can't help but smile. The last time I was here I asked for extra sugar so he just put it in this time.
He comes back and sits and gives me my tea.

"So why are you at my house this time of night alone?"

I look up at the ceiling and sigh. "Well, I woke up cause I had a nightmare and I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I got up and I started wandering and this is where I ended up."

He shakes his head. "If your friends wake up they are going to be mighty worried when they can't find you."

I can't help but feel bad when he says that. I'm being inconsiderate. They went through so much to get me home and they have gone through a lot to make sure I'm safe.

"You're right. I'm being inconsiderate."

"That ye are. I would suggest you finish that cup of tea then head back up to the castle."

I nod and take another sip of my drink. "I just needed a break I guess. They are always with me and I feel like I'm suffocating not having my own personal time. I love my friends to death but I love my alone time too."

Hagrid nods. "That's relatable. Maybe you should ask them to just back off a bit. Like if you are going to study at the library ask them to sit a few seats away but still close enough that they could hear or see if something is going on. Maybe you should start trying to sit with other people during classes too. Make some more friends. You can still stay best friends with your friends you have now but maybe it would help if you had a few other people you could escape to."

I am shocked that he came up with such a good idea. It is so simple, I don't know why I didn't think of it. I down the rest of my tea and stand up. I give him a hug and I head to the door.

"That's a great idea! I can't believe I didn't think of it." After that I head out the door and back to the castle.

I sneak in the same way I snuck out. Once I make it back to the dorm everyone is still asleep and no one noticed I was gone. I quickly write a note telling the girls I'm sleeping in the boys dorm and I leave and go to the boys dorm.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now