Chapter Seventeen - Summer

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  I wake up to James lightly knocking once on my door then walking in my room and laying in bed with me. He lays his head on my extra pillow and sighs loudly.

"Where were you all day yesterday?" He asks looking at me.

I groan because I don't feel like answering him. "I was out shopping."

"Alone?" He asks lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes, now is there a reason you came in here and woke me up?"

"Yeah, your new glasses came in and you got a call this morning." He says sitting up.

"Call from who?" I ask sitting up with him.

"Someone from that town where you used to live." He answers.

I immediately jump up and run downstairs not even acknowledging him. I make it downstairs and Fleamont is in the kitchen getting things out to make breakfast. I am running too fast to stop immediately so I hop over where the floor slightly inclines and I slide across the smooth kitchen floor using my socks. Once I stop myself I look up to Fleamont to ask who called but he points to a paper on the counter.

For Chase:
Hey, I figured I would give you a call and see how things are going. Anyway I have some stuff I want to ask you so give me a call as soon as you can.
Caller: Logan Adkins

I glance up at Fleamont after reading the note.

"Isn't he one of your friends from your old town?" He asks while he starts using magic to prepare the food.

I nod and walk over to the phone.

"He didn't leave a call back number." Fleamont says.

Once again I just nod. I set the note down on the counter and quickly dial the number of the Adkins house phone. I pick up the phone and hop up on the counter sitting the whole phone in my lap while holding the part with the speakers to my ear. The phone rings about three times before someone answers.

"Hello?" It is a female voice that answers but I would know who it is anywhere.

"Hey, Shelby it is Chase. Logan called me a bit ago and I am returning the call." I reply to her.

"Oh right, he told me he was expecting a call. Just give me a second to get him."

I hear a muffled bang so I assume she let the phone on the table.

I wait patiently for someone to pick the phone up again but as I do I think back to before I became a Potter.

I spent a lot of nights at Logan's crashing on his couch when my stepdad would get too violent or when he wouldn't let me in the house.

I was over there so much that I even call his mum by her first name and she eventually put a small futon in Logan room for me to sleep on when I was over.

I still remember those times. I would show up at night on his front porch with nothing but the clothes on my back and he would come and let me in give me a hug and lead me to the kitchen. He would make me sit at the table while he dug leftovers out of the fridge and heated them up for me to eat. We would sit in silence while I ate then I would get up and shower and he would set one of his old t-shirts and sweatpants outside the door for me to wear to bed. I would get out of the shower and his mom would take my clothes so she could wash them for me. After that we would head to his room with a large bowl of popcorn and sit on my futon and watch muggle tape movies on his bulky tv.

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