Chapter Twenty-Eight - Christmas Break

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It's been a few months since the boys and I became animagi and so far things are going well. We helped Remus on the full moon last month in November and then again earlier this month.

Today is the day that we all go home for Christmas break. We've decided that I'm going to come home and stay for a few days and then I'm going to go and spend the day over with Remus. I can't stay the night but mum is letting me go back over again on Christmas.

Matt is going to come over to the Potters house today and they are letting him stay and visit for a few days. When I wrote my parents and told them about my brother being here they didn't seem to mind. They told me that he is welcome whenever I want and they were very understanding about it. I'm not necessarily excited for him to come to my house but it is what it is.

I slept in today because we don't have to be on the train until 12:00. It's almost 11:15 when I finally roll out of bed to get ready. The other girls aren't in the dorm so I assume their in the common room. It's not often that I get the dorm to myself so I strip down and I take a nice hot shower. When I get out I wrap up in a towel and go sit at the vanity. I get out my makeup and I put on foundation, powder, highlight, eyeliner. And mascara. I check the time and I still have ten minutes until I have to leave to go down to the express.

I get dressed in a pair of thick black leggings and the sweater Remus gave me. I put on the necklace he got me. I slip on my converse and I grab my duffel bag and head down to the common room. The only person in there is Remus. I assume everyone else has already left to get on the express.

"There you are love." He says when he see's me.

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. He still tastes like chocolate and cinnamon and I don't want to pull away. After he breaks the kiss we head down to he express and get on. I decide not to sit with the boys but with the girls.
I find their compartment and I go in and sit beside Marlene.

"I'm so happy to be going home but I really don't feel like having my annoying brother there." I huff

"Yeah James is really annoying." Lily says nodding.

I roll my eyes at her and give her a dirty look. "My other brother."

Alice butts in and changes the subject. "Aren't you supposed to go and spend some time with Remus though? That's a good thing."

"I'm just nervous about meeting his parents. I always get nervous when it comes to meeting people's parents." I tell them.

They all nod in agreement.

"I want to go visit my friends from before I moved. I miss them a lot." I say thinking aloud.

"Well didn't you visit them over the summer?" Marlene asks.

I nod. For the rest of the ride we talk about random stuff and Marlene and I play exploding snap.

When we make it to the platform mum is waiting on us. James and I run and give her a big hug. She hugs us back then we apparate home.

When we get there Matt isn't here yet and I relax. James goes upstairs to put away his bag and I go with mum into the kitchen.

"So how are things with you and Remus?" She asks.

I wrote her earlier this year to tell her that we are dating now.

"Good, James is very over protective." I tell her.

"Of course he is." She says laughing a bit.

We are silent for a moment before she speaks again.

"So tell me about your brother."

I groan and lay my head down on the counter.

"He is nice enough but it is so hard forgiving him for leaving. I have found myself a new family and he is making it hard to forget my old one.

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