Chapter Twenty - Fifth Year

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I wake up to Lily throwing open my bed curtains and tearing my blanket off me.

"We have to be at breakfast in ten to get our schedules." She says bluntly then walks away.

I jump out of bed and look at the clock. It's 7:20 and the schedules get handed out at 7:30 and classes start at 7:45.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up I missed getting food and I don't have time to get ready!" I shout at the girls.

I run to the end of my bed and grab my uniform from my trunk and start putting it on.

"The other girls went down to breakfast awhile ago. They woke me up before they left and I'm not feeling well so I went back to sleep for a bit and got up like 20 minutes ago and got ready. I didn't even know you were here I though you went with them. I was about to go but you started talking in your sleep and I realized you weren't with them."

I groan loudly because it's my fault I didn't get up. I stayed up late and I didn't set an alarm. I finish getting dressed then rush to the bathroom. I quickly throw my hair in a ponytail and put on some deodorant. I don't have time to do anything else so I rush back to the room and grab my school bag. I hurry out of the room and run all the way to the great hall. I skid to a stop outside the large doors and stand there for a moment trying to catch my breath. After I can breathe without wheezing I walk in. I spot the guys fairly quickly and I take a seat beside Sirius as McGonagall comes around passing out the schedules. I take mine from her and lay my head on the table still trying to recover from running all the way here.

"Looks like you are having a lovely morning." Sirius remarks.

I sit up slightly and give him a dirty look. "I just ran a marathon across the freaking castle to get my schedule. Bite me."

"Well she is grumpy this morning." James says smirking.

I look to Remus for help but he seems to be enjoying our encounter. I roll my eyes and look at my schedule.

Period 1 History of Magic
Period 2 History of Magic half of period
Period 2 Potions other half of period
Period 3 Potions
Period 4 Ancient Runes
Period 5 Defense Against the Dark Arts
Period 6 Defense Against the Dark Arts

Period 1 Charms
Period 2 Charms
Period 3 Transfiguration
Period 4 Transfiguration
Period 5 Care of Magical Creatures
Period 6 Herbology
Evening Extra Curricular

Period 1 Charms
Period 2 Charms
Period 3 Transfiguration
Period 4 Herbology
Period 5 Herbology
Period 6 Care of Magical Creatures
Evening Astronomy

Refer to Tuesday
Evening Extra Curricular

Refer to Monday

I take the schedule that is for Sirius and read it quickly. I'm not worried about what classes he has but I'm worried about what extra curricular is. It is on my schedule for Tuesdays and Fridays. I've never had a class in the evening other than Astronomy.

I look down his schedule but it's not on there. I look at the other boys schedules quickly but none of them have it.

I stand up to leave because I want to stop by McGonagalls class to ask about it.

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