Chapter Fourty - Safe

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When I wake up I am all alone in a small hospital room. I try to sit up but there is a sharp pain in my side. I lay back down and take in my surroundings. I'm obviously back at Hogwarts and in the hospital wing; I'm finally safe. I try to sit up again and I am successful this time. I lean against the headboard and take a deep breath before I lift my shirt to examine my side. There is a lot of gauze and wrap on it but I move it to look. There is scar that is about three inches on my side. It is still pink and kind of puffy but it seems to be healing.

I'm startled when I hear someone walk through the curtains and into my little room area. I meet the kind eyes of Madame Pomfrey. She smiles at me and takes a seat beside my bed.

"I'm happy to see that you are awake. I'm going to check a few things before I let everyone know you are awake." She says.

I nod and she starts checking my wound and doing some other things.

"How long have I been out?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "Not long. About 4 hours I would say. It is only about 5 a.m. We wrote your parents to let them know you are safe. They should show up anytime."

I nod my head and let her finish up what she is doing. She eventually stands up and walks out of the curtains.

Shortly after she leaves all my boys rush in. James, Sirius, and Remus all pile themselves into my bed. I laugh because they are so over dramatic.

"We were so worried." Sirius sighs.

"You literally seen me four hours ago." I say bluntly even though I'm just as hyped about being back as they are.

"You literally got stabbed." Remus mumbles.

I roll my eyes at them. James and Sirius stay laying where they are but Remus scoots up so he is halfway laying on top of me and he lays his head on my chest.

"Remus was so worried he cried." James says playfully.

Rem groans into my chest. "I did not cry. Sirius did.

"I did cry." Sirius mumbles from where he is laying beside me.

I laugh at them. I'm so happy to be back. I missed them so much. It was only three days but it felt like years. We all eventually fall asleep on the tiny hospital bed.

When I  wake up my little area is full of even more people. Remus's parents and my parents are here, so is Lily, Marlene, and Alice.

I try to sit up but Remus is still asleep and he is pinning me down. I try to push him off but he is heavy and it doesn't work. I say his name a few times and he eventually stirs.

"Hmmm, love, do you need something? I can get it." He says groggily.

I roll my eyes and I push him off of me. I sit up and I look around at everyone in my room. Mum and dad come over and give me a huge hug and they tell he how worried they were and how they are so glad I'm back. Everyone does and then they all stand back. I'm happy that everyone chose to ignore how Remus was laying on me with his face in my chest.

"Remus wrote us and told us you were missing. We were helping any way we could to find you and we are really happy you are back." Hope says gesturing to herself and Lyall, Remus's dad.

I go to say something back because I'm really touched they care, but Madame Pomfrey comes in and tells everyone they need to let me rest. Everyone gives me a quick hug before exiting the room. Thankfully she doesn't make the boys leave. She gives me a potion then leaves my room.

I lay back down and I nudge Remus. He stirs but doesn't get up. I say his name a few times and he finally answers. "Yeah, love?"

"Will you go get me some water?" I ask quietly. I don't want to make him get up but I'm really thirsty.

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