Chapter Twenty-Six -Fifth Year.

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It's finally Saturday and Remus and I are going on our date. The rest of the week up until now has been pretty uneventful except for when the boys and I got to put the mandrake leaves from our mouths in the phials and start the potions we need. So far none of us have missed doing the incantation but this is the hardest part of the plan so far and I'm worried we will miss it.

It's currently 4:00 right now and I'm supposed to meet James in two hours. Remus is going to meet me at 6:30 for the actual date. I still don't know what James has planned but I'm trying to find him because I want some more details.

I've practically looked for him everywhere and I can't find him. I looked in his dorm, in the common room, and in several different hallways. I've been searching for about half an hour before I find him sneaking out of the kitchens with a basket full of food. I give him a strange look and he looks at me exasperated.

"You are supposedly be getting ready!" He whisper shouts at me.

I throw my hands up in surrender. "I was just wanting to get a few details about the date beforehand." I explain.

"I'll explain the details when you get to the lake. Now go get ready. Let the girls help you get ready they always make you look really nice." He tells me starting to walk away.

"Wow so I don't look nice when I get ready myself!" I yell at him.

"Oh and don't dress warm. Wear a dress or something. Just bring a coat for walking to the lake." He shouts ignoring my statement.


He continues walking ignoring me. I huff loudly and stomp up to my dorm.

Luckily when I get there all the girls are inside so I don't have to find any of them.

"I have my date with Remus I need you guys to get me ready. Oh and I want to wear a dress." I announce.

All of them are up and moving within seconds. They are in action so fast that it's honestly scary.
Marlene pushes me into the bathroom and instructs me to shower and shave. I do as she says. I wash my hair with my shampoo that smells like apples and I wash my body with my body wash that smells like roses. When I get out of the shower I don't even bother putting on clothes. I just wrap myself in a towel and walk out to meet the girls.

When I walk out Marlene pushes me into the seat in front of her vanity table and walks away. I turn around to see what the girls are doing. They are digging through ALL of our clothes looking for a dress.

"I don't have to wear a dress. Remus isn't going to care." I tell them.

All of them ignore me and keep looking. Eventually they start putting most of the dresses back so I assume they chose one but I don't know which one.

Shortly after Marlene comes and turns on the vanity lights and turns me to the side to face her. She drags up a chair and sits in front of me and starts on my makeup. By the time she finishes it is 5:15 and I need to meet James soon.

Once she finishes the makeup Lily and Alice push me to the bathroom to change into the clothes they set in there for me. They have a black dress that looks like it will go to my knees. The bra and underwear they sat out aren't ones I would normally wear. They match and they are black and kind of lacy the bra is a push up bra which is good because my b cups need a little help. The girls mush have dug to the bottom of my trunk to get these because I only wear them when my other bras and underwear are dirty.

I go ahead and get dressed because I'm going to be late if I don't. I put on the clothes and I walk out of the bathroom so the girls can finish getting me ready. When I walk out Marlene pushes me back into the vanity chair and her and the other girls load my hair with curlers. I check the time and it's 5:30. I'm running out of time.

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