Chapter Twenty-One - Fifth Year

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The next morning I wake up on time because all the boys are up and moving and they aren't trying to be quiet. I groan loudly and I hop out of bed. It is chaos as the boys rush around getting ready so I walk to the door and open it to leave.

"I'm going to my dorm. I'll meet you guys in the common room when I'm ready!" I shout before I leave.

I trudge down the stairs and go straight up to my dorm. When I walk in it is about as chaotic as the boys dorm. All the girls are rushing around getting ready but they slow down when I walk in.

"Nice outfit Chase" Marlene snorts.

I stick my tongue out at her and go over to my trunk and start getting dressed.

Lily comes over and grabs my perfume off my nightstand and is about to use it but she stops and looks at me. She stares at me for a second and I stare back at her confused. She steps closer to me and puts her face to my arm and smells me. I look at her like she has lost her mind because I think she has.

"What are you doing?" I ask her

"You smell like a guy." She says before she leans away and uses my perfume.

I roll my eyes and take it from her and put some on myself. I go to the bathroom because it is empty for once and I put on a little makeup then throw my hair in a massive messy bun. I go back into the dorm and grab my school bag.

"I told the guys I'd walk with them to breakfast but I'm gonna hang out with you guys after classes today. I have some stuff I need to tell you and I still have to apologize for running off yesterday. But anyway my point is don't make plans. I'll see you guys after classes." I shout before leaving the dorm to meet the guys.

I quickly run down the stairs and meet the boys by the portrait hole. I stand with them and I have to look up because they tower over me. I shove James to get their attention so we can go down to breakfast.

"Hey!" He shouts.

I roll my eyes because he is over dramatic.

"Good morning love." Remus says wrapping his arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug.

I smile at him in response and James and Sirius pretend to get sick.

"James you're just jealous because you can't get together with Lily" I say jokingly.

He shoves me gently and tells me to shut up. We all decide to leave and go to breakfast before everyone else does so we exit through the portrait hole. We all step out and one after the other with me going last. When I step out the boys are all stopped in front of me and I can't walk past them. I don't know why they aren't going so I tap Remus who is in front of me and he moves out of the way.

I roll my eyes in frustration when I realize why they all stopped. Matt is standing against the wall outside of the common room and I'm assuming he has been waiting on me to come out. All the boys know he is my brother and they are probably either wanting to kill him for leaving me or expecting me to introduce them. The boys are awkwardly staring at him and he is staring back just as awkwardly. I internally groan and step forward past the boys and stand beside Matt.

"Matt these are some of my friends.....or whatever." I pause so the boys can introduce themselves but all of them stay silent.

"Matt this is James Potter. He's my brother now." I say gesturing to James.

James sticks his hand out for Matt to shake. "Thanks for taking care of her for me." Matt says shaking his hand. James nods in return.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now