Chapter Nineteen - Fifth Year

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It is finally September first and we are going back to Hogwarts today. I packed last night so the only thing I have to do this morning is put in the stuff I have to use to get ready.

I woke up pretty early so I have the bathroom to myself. I put on my regular makeup such as primer, foundation, powder, and mascara. After I do the basics I do some highlight and blush and I call it good.

I go to my room and I pick out some black high waisted skinny jeans and pair it with a red Gryffindor sweater because it is kinda cold out. I match it with my converse then use my powers to float my trunk down the stairs.

James and I told mum and dad at the beginning of the summer that I have powers. I was really nervous that they would want me to leave but they seemed okay with it.

After I put my trunk by the door I start walking towards the kitchen to see what mum is cooking. On my way through the living room I end up tripping over the end table and I fall forward. I try to catch myself but I can only get one arm in-front of me in time and I fall with all my weight on it. My arm pops loudly and I fall over on my right side busting the bottom of my face on the floor.

I groan loudly and stay laying on the floor. My arm is practically screaming with pain and I can taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I hear James coming down the stairs so I make and effort to get up but my arm really hurts so I just lay on the floor. I hear James walk in and stop in front of me.

"Dude what happened to you?"

I aggressively roll my eyes at him "I was attacked by nargles." I say sarcastically.


"I fell and I hurt my arm and busted my face." I explain exasperated.

"Oh well mum isn't feeling good and dad has to get to work soon so he is gonna take us over to the platform so he won't be late for work." James explains.

I nod then stick my uninjured hand up for him to help me up. He does and I go over to my trunk and sit on it. I wait on dad to come in because I'm hoping he can do something about my arm before we leave.

I don't have to wait long because he rushes in a few minutes later. "Okay kids, we have to go because I'm going to be late for work if we don't leave."

James and I nod but before I grab his hand to go I speak up about my arm. "Dad I fell earlier and I think I sprained my arm. Is there anyway you can do to fix it?"

He nods and takes my arm in his hand and uses his wand to fix it. I don't know how he did it or how he knew what was wrong but I have seen him heal stuff like this for James several times.

Afterwards I grab his hand with one hand and I grab my trunk with the other. Seconds later we arrive on the platform. Dad gives us both hugs and says a quick goodbye then apparates to work. I grab my trunk with my good hand and start dragging it to the train. There is hardly any people here compared to how it is when we normally get here.

When I get to the train James helps me get my trunk to our compartment and he puts it up for me along with his trunk. Afterwards we walk around to see if the trolly lady is around yet. We search for a few minutes but I decide to head back to the compartment because I don't think we are going to find her. James stays to look for her and he is scoping out some Slytherins he wants to prank.

When I get back to the compartment I'm surprised because there is someone inside. There is hardly anyone on the train right now so I'm not sure who it is. I slide open the door and peek inside. I smile when I see familiar sandy brown hair. I step into the compartment and shut the door behind me.

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