Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Chase POV
Today is the day I finally get out of the hospital wing. I barely remember being sick because I was so out of it most of the time I guess. I was in the hospital wing for a week they told me but I only remember two days of it.

They told me that I was poisoned but I don't see how. I've decided to quit worrying about how it happened and just be careful that it doesn't happen again.

The boys have been in and out to visit me but they all seem tense. Lily and the other girls have been in and out too but Lily has been here the most. She has been telling me about how her and James are getting a lot closer. She also dropped the bomb that they have been dating since the beginning of the year but they decided not to tell anyone for awhile.

I almost beat her for not telling me but I was still really excited. I had a feeling they were together because of the way she kissed James the other day.

Anyway it is time for me to go back to classes today and no one has came to walk with me. I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed but I got over it and went to my dorm and got ready anyway. The only girl in there was Alice so I talked to her for a bit.

She said that there has been a lot of rumors going around about Voldemort and she thinks something big is going to happen soon.

We talk about the war and she catches me up on some other things that have been going on. When I'm finished getting ready we walk down to breakfast. When we get there she goes off and sits with Marlene and I go off and sit by Remus.

As soon as I sit down he turns to me and says, "Hurry and finish eating. We have to go to Dumbledores office."

He seems like he is in a hurry to get there so I lie and say I ate in the hospital so we can leave.

We get up and head towards Dumbledores office quickly. Remus doesn't give me any explanation as to why we are going there so we speed walk there in a tense silence.

When we make it there Remus barks out the password and heads straight in. I follow him and when I get there Kingsley Shaklebolt is standing with Dumbledore behind the desk.

The room is crowded with other people too. James, Sirius, Lily, Peter, and Alice's boyfriend, Frank Longbottom, is here too even though he graduated last year.

When we walk in everyone turns and looks at us with solemn looks. I don't have a chance to ask any questions because Kingsley claps his hands loudly.

"Alright, as you know I am a graduated auruor. I am here to talk to you about joining something called the Order of the Phoenix. It is a secret organization dedicated to bringing down Voldemort."

He pauses and lets that sink in before continuing.

"We believe that all of you are crucial to fighting for our cause. You all have dug up more information on the Deatheaters in a few months than we have this whole year. I believe with your help we could bring down Voldemort. You can't join the cause till you graduate school but we are willing to begin working with you now."

After he finishes the speech I realize what this is all about. Voldemort is getting more powerful and they need us as soon as they can get us.

Dumbledore explains that we have a Deatheater that is working with us against Voldemort and that they have given a lot of much needed information.

When he says that Sirius looks at the floor and I know immediately that the rat is Regulus. We finish up the meeting and everyone agrees to join the cause after graduation.

Once we get out we all head to class as if nothing happened. I go through all of my classes in a daze and I don't come out of it until after dinner when I'm studying in the back of the library.

Remus comes and takes a seat in front of me and I look up at him and he looks exhausted. He has been dealing with me and the war and that has put a lot of stress on him. The full moon is coming up too and that just makes it worse.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I ask him.

He shakes his head and puts his face in his hands. "I should be asking you that." He mumbles.

I get up and go over to him and sit on his lap and wrap myself around him. He melts into me and buries his face in my neck. I know he is stressed. We are going to go to war in less than a year and we don't even have a good plan for after graduation. We sit there like that for awhile and I rub his back.

"Look let's just forget about the war and forget about getting jobs and just forget about the future. Let's finish our last year of school like royalty. We can do things normal teens our age do. We can prank people and get drunk and just live our lives." I say trying to cheer him up.

"We could prank the Slytherins and win the house cup." He says meekly.

I smile brightly and kiss him. "Exactly! We can hang out with our friends and throw parties and just live our best lives."

He laughs a bit and hugs me tightly. "Gosh, I'm so in love with you. I can't wait till we can start our own little family and get married."

I poke him in the side and he laughs. "Well we better get married before we start that family."

He nods and kisses me slowly.

"You know what else we could do to make our year more interesting?"

I shake my head.

"We can shag in places that we shouldn't." He says picking me up by my waist and laying me on the table.

I laugh and he pushes the papers to the floor and gets up on the table with me and kisses me passionately.

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