Chapter Fifty-Two

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I'm about to apparate over to the bookshop to meet Remus. It is about 10 a.m which is a weird time for a date but I'm not going to complain.

I wore a jean style dress with white sleeves and short white heels. I did some light makeup and curled my hair.

When I arrive in front of the shop Lily is standing there instead of Remus.

"Remus is running late so he asked me to meet you here and take you to the place of your actual date." She explains.

"Okay...." I say apprehensively giving her my hand so she can apparate us there.

We turn on the spot and when we land I find myself somewhere I've never been. It is like a fancy garden place. There are bushes and trees that are covered in flowers everywhere. We are standing on a thin dirt path that leads to what looks like a little stream. I turn to Lily to ask her where we are but she is gone.

I decide to go ahead and start walking down the path to see if I can find Remus.

Remus POV
I don't think I have ever been this nervous. Everyone keeps saying that she is going to say yes but that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me they're wrong.

I am dressed nice in black dress pants and a dark blue button down shirt. I let James fix my hair for me and I don't know how I feel about it but my mum told me it looks great.

I'm standing on a little wooden bridge that archs over a stream waiting on her to come. The plan was for us all to get here early and for Lily to bring her here. Everyone is here but they are hiding so they can get good pictures without ruining the surprise.

I'm pacing back and forth trying not to chicken out of this when she comes walking around the bend in the path. I swear my heart almost stops because there she is. My beautiful girlfriend is walking over to me and I have to ask her to be my wife.

I'm going to puke.

James POV
I'm hunkered down beside the stream under my invisibility cloak waiting for Chase to get here.
I've been given the task to take pictures of the actual proposal while Lily takes the rest of the pictures. Everyone else is off hiding somewhere watching.

I watch Remus pace across the bridge obviously nervous. So I take a picture because why not. I take a few pictures of myself because I'm bored and then Chase comes walking up the path. I quickly turn my camera towards them and snap a few pictures of her walking over to him. When she gets there he grabs her hand and gives her a quick kiss and I snap a picture.

I watch as he gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring. Chase covers her face with her hands. I snap another picture.

"Gracelyn Chase Potter I am utterly in love with you. I have been in love with you since third year and I will never stop loving you. I think you are the most amazing and beautiful women to ever exist and I can't believe you have fallen in love with me too. I have had this ring for several months now just waiting for the perfect time to propose. When you gave me that bookshop to run I knew I had to do it now. I want you by my side for the rest of my life. You fell in love with me when I thought I was unloveable. You have helped me realize that I have worth and that I deserve to be happy. I love you and you are my other half. So Gracelyn Potter, will you marry me."

I can hear him say it from where I'm sitting and I know she will say yes. Even though I knew she would say yes I wasn't prepared for when she actually says it. I watch her jump into his arms and kiss him.

As much as I don't want to admit it I cry a little. I'm going to have to give my baby sister away. I'm going to have to hand her off to Remus and let him take care of her.

Suddenly Sirius jumps out from where he was hiding and wolf whistles. "Get some Remus!"

The garden erupts in laughter as everyone comes out of their hiding places. Chase is absolutely beaming. She hasn't noticed that Matt and Logan are here. When we line up to give them hugs she almost cries when she hugs Logan. I go over and give her a hug and she starts to cry. They are happy tears but they still make me emotional too.

Now that Chase and Remus have done there thing I'm suddenly nervous for what I have to do. It's my turn now.

I wait until Chase and Remus are posing for a picture that Lily is taking. I get behind Lily and wait. I watch Remus lean over and whisper in Chase's ear. She smiles and looks to me and nods. I have the ok and it's go time.

I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring box. I tap Lily on the shoulder and wait for her to turn around. When she does I get down on one knee just like Remus did.

"Lily Evans I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now I'm determined to give a better speech than Remus but it's going to be pretty hard." I pause as she laughs nervously. Her hands are over her mouth just like Chase did and her eyes are filling with tears.

I pray that they are happy tears and I keep going. "I asked you out 84 times....yes I kept count. I asked you out 84 times and every singe time you said no. I could not understand why you rejected me every time but then Chase helped me realize that I needed to grow up. So I did. I grew into the man I am today for you. So when I asked you out for the 685th time and you said yes it was one of the best days of my life. Now I want to marry you and I hope that I've grown up enough for you to say yes the first time."

After I finish she nods and I jump up and wrap her up in my arms and kiss her.

The rest of the day is filled with hugs and kisses and lots of pictures. All I know is Remus and I are feeling on top of the world.

Authors Note
The image at the beginning is what Chase wore!

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