Chapter Twenty-Four - Fifth Year

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It's only a few days till the next full moon and so far our plan is going great. Remus still doesn't know and we haven't messed up anything yet. All the boys have been able to produce a patronous. I'm the only one who hasn't yet. I still have time though so I'm not worried yet.

James has a stag patronous, Sirius has a dog patronous, and Peters is a rat. Peter was a little disappointed with his but the other boys were quite pleased. James and Sirius are going to work with me tonight while Peter distracts Remus for us.

Other than that time is flying by and I've became pretty good friends with Regulus. No one knows I tutor him still and I'm fine with it like that.

It's Friday again so I have practice with Matt a little after dinner. James Sirius and I are going to go to the dorm to practice a patronous immediately after we finish eating.

We are all at dinner currently so James, Sirius and I are all scarfing down our food so we will be done quickly. Remus notices but doesn't say anything. He is already feeling the effects of the upcoming moon.

We finish eating and rush out of the hall. We run up to the common room and to the boys dorm. I bend over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

"Alright we have 37 minutes to get this done." James says checking his watch.

I groan and I stand up. James and Sirius both run me through the spell and tell me to think of my happiest thought. I sigh gently then close my eyes. I think hard and I finally come up with a memory.

I think to when I first met my best friend Logan. I had just turned eight and so had he. My mother had brought Matt and I to the park to play and I was trying my hardest to make it across the monkey bars but I was so little and I didn't have the strength. I was so frustrated but then Logan who was barely bigger than me helped me. I climbed up on the monkey bars and he held me up by my feet as I crossed. I was so proud of myself and I made a life long friend.

I do the spell and only a few blue wisps come from my wand. I stomp my foot frustrated. James starts laughing at my frustration and I snap at him to shut up. I calm myself down and I try again.

I think about when Remus and I first got together and about our first date. There are more wisps this time. It's getting stronger. I think more about Remus but I don't make any more progress.

I try not to throw my wand at James when he reminds me I'm almost out of time.

I inhale and close my eyes again and think. My mind goes to when the Potters adopted me. I remember how relieved I was to get away from Mark. I was welcomed into a family that I never thought I would have. I have felt loved and cared for ever since I became a Potter and I look forward to going home now instead of dreading it.

I hear James and Sirius gasp and I open my eyes. I jump back because there is a small wolf in front of me. I crouch down and it jumps up and runs around the room quickly before it disappears.

Sirius engulfs me in a hug and I squeal. "I did it!" James joins the hug and we celebrate for a minute before I have to leave to go to my practice. James and Sirius decide to walk with me there. On our way through the common room I invite Lily to come. She says no at first because of James but I talk her into it.

We head towards the Room of Requirement and we meet up with Peter and Remus on the way. Remus decides to come with us but Peter goes back to the dorm. Our large group walks together through the halls. All of the boys are talking to each other about some prank and Lily and I are leading the group talking about what I've been practicing with Matt.

We arrive at the room and Matt is standing outside waiting for me. His eyes widen when I walk up with my crowd of friends.

"Hey Matt, they all wanted to walk me down but they don't have to stay." I explain.

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