Chapter Sixty-Six

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Not even an hour later, we are all at the order. The entire room is packed full of order members. Kingsley, Matthew, and I are about to lead the most important meeting we are going to have.

"Okay everyone! The time has finally come. We have all the horcruxs and You Know Who has made a move that we can't ignore! Matthew and Chase will run you all through the plan! I have to go get the rest of the aurorer force!" Kingsley announces.

After that, he leaves, and it is up to Matthew and me. We discussed this before the meeting, so we already have our plan. We are going to go into battle, then we hold off on killing Voldemort until Regulus shows up to let us know the last horcrux is taken care of. This can go great or go horribly wrong. The last horcrux is a necklace, and apparently it is very hard to get to. I have faith that Regulus can do it, though.

Matthew and I explained the plan and everyone seems good with it. Everyone has a lot of respect for Matthew, so I assume that is why. We take everyone and get them in fighting clothes that are similar to what I wore on my mission. It takes us about an hour to get that handled, but then we all walk outside for final instruction....that I have to give.

"Alright everyone! When we get there, it will be chaos. We are attacking on their territory, so we may be at a slight disadvantage! I will lead us into battle! Behind me will be a row of our best aurorers, you know whether you are a part of that or not! If you are not in that row, you will follow behind them with the other aurors! We will not surrender, and we won't let them win! This is time we finish this!"

After I finish my speech, they all cheer. Maybe they have respect for me too. Everyone apparates to where we were instructed to. When we get there is already a whole army of aurorers.

I have to lead these people. The thought makes me want to die, but I have to. I am the power here.

"Get in your places!" I shouted.

Everyone does as instructed. I turn towards the castle we are about to storm, and I'm not afraid to like I thought I would be. I'm angry. These people have put everyone through enough. It ends when they come after my family. The only thing I know for sure is I'm going to have Peter's throat by the end of this.

My only regret is not saying my goodbyes because it's pretty likely we won't make it out alive.

I swallowed that thought and took a deep breath. I put one foot in front of the other and take the first step that will lead this army to war.

I don't run, I don't march, but I walk with my head held high. We make it to the lawn of the castle and I cast the charm that makes my voice louder.

"Come out and fight, or we are coming in!" I shouted.

I barely get the words out before hundreds of death eaters appear on the grass. No one moves. Everyone is waiting for the other side to make a move, except for me. I'm a Gryffindor for a reason. I'm stupidly brave, and I don't back away from a challenge.

I don't hesitate. I raise my wand and charge. We meet them in the middle. Both sides are screaming, and it is impossible to tell which side is winning.

Before everyone can get too mixed together, I use my telekinesis to throw half of their army back. We advance further. We battle and people are dropping left and right. I'm terrified I'm going to come across the body of one of my friends or husband, but I keep going.

I use all my powers against them, and I'm running on pure adrenaline. I want these people dead. Between magic and my powers, I am unstoppable. I'm dropping people ten times faster than anyone else.

We fight for what feels like hours, before suddenly all the Death eaters retreat back to the castle. It only takes a minute, then it is  us on the battlefield. Our army is only about half of what it used to be.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now