Chapter Sixteen - Summer

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It has been a few days since the incident with Remus and neither of us have talked about it. It is really stressing me out but today I don't have time to stress because I have an eye doctor appointment with a muggle doctor.

Euphemia is the one who is taking me and we decided to walk since it isn't very far away and it is a nice day outside.

We are walking side by side on the wide sidewalk in comfortable silence when I decide to break it.

"Euphemia?" I say getting her attention.

"Yes, dear?" She says.

"How do you know if a guy likes you?" I ask her quietly.

It's kind of embarrassing asking her this stuff but I haven't ever had anyone to give me guy advice. I would write Lily but she already thinks Remus likes me.

"Well......." She begins. "It depends I guess. Some guys make it really obvious but other guys are more reserved. Why do you ask? Do you like someone?" She asks.

I blush furiously but I still nod. "The thing is he has told me he likes me and I told him that I like him too. The problem is he hasn't said anything about it again or even hinted that he wants to get together. I'm assuming he was confused or something about saying he likes me. I don't think that he really does."

She is silent for a moment before she replies. "May I ask who this boy is?"

I don't reply.

She looks over at me the continues looking forward. "Is it Remus?" She asks.

I look down. I must make it pretty obvious that I like him for him to be her first guess. "Yeah, it's him."

"Well I can guarantee that he likes you." She says grinning at me.

"Well then why isn't he doing anything? He knows I like him." I ask.

"Maybe he isn't ready to date yet or maybe he is just being shy. There is a lot of reasons he could be putting things off but I promise he likes you." She tells me.

I just nod because we have reached the eye doctor.

(Remus POV)
It is almost 10:00 and James and Sirius are still asleep. I decide to get up and go to the kitchen to find some food since Euphemia and Chase left to go somewhere early this morning.

I walk groggily downstairs still in my pajamas. I head to the kitchen and there is a plate of steaming pancakes on the counter. Mrs. Potter must have made them before she left and charmed them to stay hot.

I grab three and put them on a plate and get the syrup from the counter and start eating.

As I'm eating I hear the front door open and close and I assume Mrs.Potter and Chase are back except Chase is the only one who walks in the kitchen.

"Where's Mrs. Potter?" I ask her.

"She had some errands to run but I didn't want to go so she let me come back here." Chase answers.

I nod in response.

I watch as Chase sits down infront of me at the table. She lays her head down and sighs loudly.

"Did you eat before you left?" I ask her.

She replies without lifting her head. "No."

"You should eat."

She lifts up her head meeting my eyes. "Nice pajamas."

I look down at my red flannel pajama pants and plain white shirt. "What's wrong with my pajamas?"

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