Chapter Twenty-Two - Fifth Year

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I wake up in the morning and I'm exhausted. I'm up a lot earlier than normal I check the time and  it's 5 a.m. I want to go back to sleep but I know I'm not going to be able to. I sit up in bed and I kick my legs over the side and stand up. I stretch my back and it pops. I walk over to the desk that is on the right wall of the dorm. I pick up the stack of books we looked through last night and I carry them down to the common room with me.

I get down to the common room and I sit on the couch in front of the unlit fire. I make myself comfortable then I pick up one of the books and start flipping through it to see if I can find anymore information on Tripotere.

I sit on the couch reading for about 30 minutes before I hear someone coming down the stairs from the boys dorms. I look up as they approach the bottom of the stairs and I see a tired Remus at the bottom.

He must feel me staring at him because he turn and looks at me. He smiles then makes his way over to me.

"It's so dark in here." He says using his wand do light a fire in the fire place.

After that he comes and sits beside me. He wraps his arm around me and lays his head against my shoulder.

"This is my first full moon with us being a couple" he says laughing a bit.

I lay my head on his and close my eyes. I sigh loudly before I tell him about what I found on my powers. He doesn't seem bothered by it. He just asks me to read him what it says in the book. I do so and he listens intensely.

"I'm dangerous Rem." I say quietly after I finish reading.

"Don't be stupid. You can control what you do. You're not dangerous." He scoffs.

I want to argue but I don't because I know the full moon is tonight and I need to give him his space. I move and kiss him on the top of his head then I stand up.

"I'm gonna go and get ready then go talk to Matt about the book." I tell him before I walk upstairs.

When I get upstairs all of the girls are still asleep so I just go straight to the bathroom and get ready. After I'm dressed and ready to go I head back down to the common room.

When I get there Remus is asleep on the couch and he looks exhausted even though he's asleep. I go back upstairs and grab one of my smaller blankets off of my bed and carry it downstairs with me.

I get downstairs and Remus isn't sitting alone anymore. Sirius is sitting on the other side of the couch tiredly looking at the ceiling. I walk over to the couch and I cover Remus up with the blanket. Sirius looks over at me and cocks his eyebrow.

"What are you doing ready this early?"

"I found a book and I think it has information about my abilities. I'm gonna take it to Matthew and see what he thinks." I say as I tuck the blanket around my boyfriend.

"Can I come?" He asks groggily.

"Yeah, is James up? He can come if he wants." I tell Sirius.

He shakes his head and stands up. "I'm the only one awake."

I nod and watch him come and stand beside me.

"Are you wearing that?" I ask pointing at his clothes.

He's still in his pajamas. Gray sweats and a black tank top.

"Yeah I'll come back and change before class. Do you have a hair tie?"

I nod and hand him one I had on my wrist. He throws his hair in a man bun and says he's ready. We both exit the common room and start towards the DADA room.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now