Chapter Thirty-Four - Summer

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It's finally the weekend of my date with Remus. It is a Friday and Remus and I are both still at my house. We are going to leave from my house, but I don't know where he is planning on going. I think he talked to my mum about having us apparate somewhere, but I'm not sure.

Anyway it is about four p.m and we are leaving soon. I am already ready and I'm waiting on Remus to come and get me to leave.

I did my makeup nice and I wore my new dress I got when Lily and I went shopping. I paired it with some plain flats and I wore my usual jewelry. I didn't really know what to do with my hair so I straightened it but I feel like it looks bad.

I have been excited for our date all weekend but now I'm nervous. Normally I'm not nervous for our dates but I am tonight because I feel like we haven't went out in awhile and I feel like I look bad.

My dress is made to be tight fitting and I hate it because instead of making me look curvy it just shows how thin I am. Instead of having full hips mine are skeleton like.

I am finally putting on weight but I feel like it is never enough. I feel like no matter how much weight I gain I am still skin and bones.

I stand up and go over to my mirror and look myself up and down. I try to be happy with my body but I can't be. I don't understand why Remus thinks I'm pretty.

Remus POV
I'm currently getting ready for my date with Chase and I've never been this nervous before. I'm planning on taking her out to eat somewhere and then going to a outdoor movie. I'm going to bring us a blanket to sit on while we watch the movie. At some point during the night I'm going to give Chase her birthday present which is a promise ring.

I'm currently panicking because I don't know how she is going to feel about a promise ring.

"Moony chill out! She is going to love it!" Sirius says from where he is sitting on his bed.

I shake my head and continue trying to fix my hair.

"You guys don't get it. I love her with every inch of my being but I know I shouldn't be with her. I am a danger to her and by doing this it is like promising her a life that I can't give her. I'm not going to be able to get a job, I'm dangerous, and I can't give her a family. I shouldn't even be with her but here I am about to give her a promise ring and lead her on thinking I can give her a good life." I say while I stare at myself in the mirror trying to get my hair to lay down right.

It is silent for a few moments until James walks over beside me and tosses a container of his dads hair gel on the table beside me. He takes my comb and makes me sit down.

He huffs loudly before he starts talking.

"Moons you better shut up and listen because I'm literally fixing your hair for you to go on a date with my sister."

He pauses to get some hair gel. "She loves you Rem. Probably more than you love her. When Chase loves people she loves every part of them. She loves every one of your flaws simply because it is you."

He stops for a second to think then continues. "Chase is a lot to handle. She has been told since pretty much forever that she is nothing. We have always been here to convince her otherwise but ever since you two started dating she has changed. You make her feel like she is someone that has worth. She doesn't care that you are a werewolf. She understands the risks and problems it will cause and she is ready to face all of them with you."

I don't know what to say when he finishes because I'm not used to James being emotional. I finally decided to just nod and let him finish with my hair. Once he finishes I get up and put on my jacket and grab my things. I walk over to the door to leave but I pause and turn towards James and Sirius.

"Thanks guys, I wouldn't be here without you." I say before walking out and over to get chase.

Chase POV
Remus and I have just arrived at a fancy restaurant in town and I'm surprised that he planned something this fancy.

When we walk in we get seated quickly. We are at a table towards the back and we are practically alone except for a few adults sitting a few tables down from us.

We order our drinks and food then we just sit waiting. Normally we have a million things to talk about but tonight we are silent. Remus seems to be a million miles away in his own head and I'm sitting here just staring at him.

"Rem?" I say snapping him back to reality.

He shakes his head then looks at me giving me his full attention.

"Nothing I was just trying to get your attention." I say.

After that he keeps his focus on me. We talk and joke until the food comes and then we eat and leave.

Once we leave the restaurant Remus won't tell me where we are going. He leads me across the town refusing to tell me what we are doing. It is almost dark by the time we get to where we are going.

It turns out to be an outdoor movie. Remus lays out a blanket and we sit down waiting for the movie to start.

"So how do you like your birthday date so far." Remus asks.

When I look over at him he looks nervous for some reason but I ignore it because I assume he is nervous I'm not liking the date.

"I love it babe." I say.

I lean forward and I connect our lips and kiss him softly. He tastes like chocolate and cinnamon just like always. We talk a bit more but then the movie starts. I scoot as close as I can to him and I lay my head on his chest and let him wrap his arm around me. We cuddle and relax for the rest of the movie.

Once the movie is over we get our stuff together to leave or at least that's what I thought we were doing until Remus suggested we go on a walk.

We walk through the park hand in hand enjoying the night. We eventually come up to a little bench beside the side walk and Remus suggests we sit.

Once we sit Remus starts to fidget and I can tell he is nervous. It is taking a lot for me not to let my anxiety get the best of me and jump to conclusions. He eventually reaches into his pocket and pulls something out of it. He turns to me nervously and places it in my hand.

"I hope you don't think it is too soon to give you that. I just want you to know that I want this to be a forever thing if possible. I love you with every inch of my being." He says quietly.

I open up the box and there is a ring inside. It is beautiful and I'm surprised because I didn't expect him to do this. I didn't expect him to ever get me a promise ring because he doesn't like to make promises because of his condition.

"I'm sorry if you don't like it. I don't have a ton of money and it took me awhile to save up for it." He starts rambling.

I close the box and set it in my lap. I reach up to his face and pull him close to me and connect our lips. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me up into his lap. We eventually pull away from the kiss and I rest my hands on his shoulders and he rests his hands on my thighs. His hands are really distracting me but I try to ignore them and just talk to him.

"Remus, I want to spend the rest of my life with you if it is possible." I say looking him in the eyes.

He doesn't reply he just connects our lips again and kisses me passionately. We eventually pull away and get up from the bench. I put on the ring and we start walking back home. Remus walks with his arm around my waist while I lean my head on his shoulders.

I can't help but admire the promise ring he got me. I think it is absolutely beautiful no matter what he spent on it.

Authors Note:
The ring in the picture at the beginning of the chapter is the ring he gave to her. I got the image off of Pinterest.

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