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Bonus: Facts and/or things you may have missed in the story

1. Chase's real dad was blonde, this is where she gets her hair from.

2. Remus wouldn't have wanted kids if Chase would not have proven to him that he is not a monster.

3. Peter never liked Chase all that well and that is why he was so quick to turn on them.

4. Chase's friend Hunter secretly had a crush on her.

5. I almost killed Marlene off but decided against it.

6. Remus definitely cussed like a sailor but I chose to not include it in the story.

7. Chase's real dad had a lot of twins in his family and that is why Chase had two sets of twins.

8. Chase's blood family is out there somewhere but they don't know she exists (except for her dad of course) and she has never met them.

9. Matthew and Chase's mother was a bad mom because she grew up with a bad mother herself.

10. Their parents names were Arizona Ford and William Odair.

11. Matthew still remembers their father but chooses not to tell Chase about him.

12. After Chase was adopted she never wanted to meet her real family.

13. Remus and Chase named their last set of twins Allie Kate Lupin and Archer Gray Lupin.

14. Most of their kids have nicknames and/or were named after someone.
Lucas - Luke
Carina - prefers Carina but Sirius calls her Nina
Cole - Named after Chase's friend Cole that died.
Thomas - Tommy
Allie - Named after Alice
Archer- Almost everyone calls him Arch for short

15. Remus is definitely the type of parent that mixes their kids up.

16. Both sets of twins are identical. They don't look perfectly alike because of the gender differences but they resemble each other a lot.

17. Archer, Allie, and Thomas look like Chase. Lucas, Carina, and Cole look like Remus.

18. Lucas, Thomas, Carina, and Cole have brown hair. Archer and Allie are the only two with blonde hair.

19. Every single one of the kids got Chase's green eyes.

20. Lucas, Allie, and Archer were all sorted into Hufflepuff, but Thomas, Carina, and Cole were sorted into Gryffindor.

21. Chase got to know Minerva really well because she was very involved in her children's lives. Not in an over baring way, but she likes to know what was going on.

22. Everyone likes to make Molly Weasley out to be a amazing mother, but Chase was 10000% better than her.

23. All of the kids really put the teachers at Hogwarts through it. They're lucky the school was still standing when they all graduated.

24. Kayla and Sirius had a daughter eventually.

25. Between the Potters, Lupins, and Blacks they had 9 kids.

26. Chase was originally supposed to be very musically talented but I ended up not building on that idea.

27. Chase never got over her fear of storms.

28. Almost every time it storms she gets scared and worries about the kids and all six of them would end up in bed with her and Remus.

29. Chase is definitely the type of mom to teach her kids to fight back.

30. Remus has the bad habit of walking around naked when no one is home or it is just him and Chase.

31. Remus is 6'5

32. Chase is 5'2

33. Remus loves how short Chase is because he can wrap her up in his arms and he feels like he is protecting her.

34. Remus adores it when Chase wears his clothes.

35. Chase has a big butt and it drives Remus crazy.

36. Remus likes to put his hand in Chase's back pocket when they go out so people know she is his.

37. Chase let Sirius dye her hair black with muggle box dye one time. Thankfully it was temporary but her and Sirius were grounded for a good week after that.

38. Cole was gay but I don't think I ever said it directly, but it was implied.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now