Chapter Thirty-Eight - Missing Day 2

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When I wake up it is pitch black in the cell. Honestly I'm not even sure if I'm in the same cell.  I have no idea how long I was asleep, but I assume he gave me a sleeping potion to put me out.

I stand up and my entire body aches from laying on the hard stone floor for hours on end. My stomach growls loudly, but there isn't anything for me to eat. Since I have been here I have met with Voldemort once and the rest of the time I've been passed out.

I attempt to walk across the cell but I'm yanked backwards. They have put me back in chains. I groan and sit back down on the hard floor. I'm scared, hungry, and in pain. I just want to go home to my boys and my girl friends.

I'm tired and I don't really know what to do. I could get out of the chains again and see if there is anyone guarding my cell but I'm sure that there is someone. I need a moment to pull myself together, so I just sit on the floor with my head in my hands and wait.

I wait for an idea to come or for someone to come and torture me or kill me. The last option seems more likely though.

I can't help but run through me getting captured again and again. If Regulus and I would have went to Dumbledore the night we got back to school then I wouldn't be here. We would both be safe.

It is quickly made obvious that I'm not going to be making a plan. The large stone wall grinds open and a large man walks in. He lights two of the torches that are on the walls then comes and sits in front of me. I don't recognize the person but I didn't expect to.

"Have you finally decided to join us?" He asks gruffly.

I don't answer I just look at my shoes.

"Answer me!" He shouts.

I look at at him and furrow my eyebrows. "Are you that socially awkward and stupid? I obviously didn't change my mind or-"

I don't get to finish what I'm saying because he smacks me across the face. I sit there in shock for a few seconds before the anger sets in. I try to lunge at him but the chains stop me. The only thing I end up doing is leaving huge red marks on my wrists.

The man just looks at me unfazed. He stands up and looks down at me.

"I'm going to ask one more time. Have you decided to make and right decision and join the Dark Lord."

I look up at him and flip him off. My attitude results in him kicking me in the stomach. I quickly get into the fetal position because he continues to kick me. 

He eventually stops kicking me and backs away. I sit up and watch as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small phial. He walks over to me and forces my mouth open and dumps it down my throat.

Remus POV
It is well into the next day and we are all walking through some back woods to the Dolohov place. We watched the Malfoy's Manor all day and it is obvious that they aren't keeping her there.

It was really disappointing that she wasn't there. I was hoping we had found her and we could take her home. It is finally setting in how difficult this is going to be. We have very little information to go off of.

It takes us a few hours but we eventually make it to a high fence that stretches on forever in both directions. We all look at each other not sure what to do.

Sirius finally says, "This is it. I remember it."

We watch and he jumps up and grabs the top of the fence and peeks over. He immediately jumps down and looks at us. His face is pale. We all jump up and look over for ourselves and our faces pale as well.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now