Chapter Fifty-Four

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The next day I have to pull myself out of bed and get ready to go shopping. It's hard but I do it. I get myself dressed and check the time. We are meeting at the dress shop in about 40 minutes. I didn't mean to get ready this early but I guess it's too late now.

I head down the the kitchen and fix me a bowl of cereal because I don't have much in the house yet. I go to the fridge to get milk but there isn't any. Dry cereal it is then.

I grab a spoon and head into my living room and start eating my dry cereal while staring at the wall. Yum.

As I'm sitting there I suddenly remember I completely forgot to invite Remus's mum to come dress shopping with us. I grab my bowl and dump the rest of my cereal in the trash and throw the bowl in the sink. Unfortunately I forgot the bowl was glass and I hear it shatter in the sink. I choose to ignore it because I don't want to clean it up right now.I run over to the phone and dial the home phone number.

Thankfully Hope is the one that answers. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hope this is Chase. We are going dress shopping today and I was hoping you would come. I totally forgot to call and invite you. We planned it really last minute yesterday." I explain.

I can practically hear the smile in her voice. "Of course I would love to come! When and where do I need to meet you guys."

"We are staring at Hailey's Bridal in Springville. The appointment is at 9:00 but we are going to get there at 8:30 to start looking for dresses to try on."

"Alright I'll be there but I might be a bit late." She says before hanging up the phone.

I assume she had to go get ready really fast so I don't think much of it. I decide to unpack a bit while I wait to leave.

I unpack some pictures and I want to hang them but I'm not good at the whole leveling them and nailing holes in the wall thing. I'll have to wait till Remus gets back to hang them.

I go ahead and put away the rest of my kitchen supplies but after that I have to leave do I will be there to meet them on time.

When I get there Lily and her mum are there and so is my mum. I walk over to them and give them all hugs.

"Hope, Remus's mom, is on her way. She is running late because I forgot to invite her yesterday." I explain to them.

They nod and we all stand there awkwardly for a minute. "Well let's start picking out dresses to try on." I say excitedly.

As soon as we start looking through the dresses I quit worrying about the boys. I'm just thrilled to be getting ready for my wedding. There are puffy dressed and slim dresses and I can't decide what kind I want so I pick one of each.

When Hope gets there I start handing her dresses to carry for me. My mum picks out a few dresses she wants me to try and so do Hope and Lily. By the time our appointment to try them of comes we have about ten dresses each.

They put Lily in the dressing room beside mine so we can show everyone our dresses at the same time. I get in the dressing room and the assistant helps get me zipped up in the dresses and get everything tied and then I step out and look in the mirror. I look beautiful but it's not the one.

Lily steps out in her dress and I think the same thing for her. All of the moms agree and we step back in. We both try on a ton of other dresses but Lily finds her first. It is a mermaid style with lace that looks like leaves all over it. The top is open in a long v neck type thing and it looks gorgeous on her.

It takes me a few more dresses before I find the right one. It is a A line dress with a lacy top and a flowey skirt.

We decide to look for shoes and jewelry too. That turned out to be easier than the dresses and Lily and I both have our jewelry and shoes in about an hour.

I am so excited and I can't wait for the wedding. I just hope Remus gets home in time for it. Apparently Lily and James want to have their wedding in August which is only two months away.

We decide to take the wedding stuff we bought back to my house then go out to eat to celebrate. We end up going out to eat somewhere close to my house which was great because we didn't have a long wait time since it was a small business.

We all get seated and it is Hope, Lily and I on one side of the table and my mum and Lily's mum on the other.

"So when are you guys wanting to have the wedding." My mum asks.

"James and I are wanting to have ours mid-August." Lily says while looking at her menu.

"We are wanting a fall wedding so ours will be early October."

The mums nod and go back to looking at the menus.

I'm so excited for us to get married and start our lives. I just hope this war ends soon because I don't know how much I can take of him leaving constantly. I want a family and I don't want to start it in the middle of the war.

Authors note:
The wedding dresses in the picture at the beginning are their dresses! I know this was a short chapter but I have you liked it still!

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