Chapter Thirty-Three - Summer

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The next morning I wake up before Lily. I crawl out of bed still in my pajamas and I trudge downstairs. When I get downstairs everyone is in the kitchen plus one more person. Mum and dad are standing at the counter and a bruised up Sirius is sitting between James and Remus.

"What happened?" I ask.

Everyone turns and looks at me. I walk into the kitchen and stand beside Sirius.

"My parents disowned me." Sirius mumbles.

I nod and give him a hug. I already know he is going to be moving in. I don't mind. I'm happy it is finally happening and he is going to get out of that house.

"I'll make breakfast today. You guys get Sirius settled in and healed up. Lily is still asleep upstairs and if you don't want her all in his business you guys should probably get it done fast." I tell everyone bluntly.

Everyone nods and goes upstairs except for Remus.

"I'll help you with breakfast." He says cheerily.

I look at him sternly. "Do you know how to cook."

He looks at his feet "I can make toast."

I shake my head and hand him a loaf of bread

I'm going to make homemade waffles. I get the waffle iron out and start getting stuff ready. I'm in my own little world getting stuff ready until Remus interrupts me.

"Uhmmmm darling?"

I turn and look at him. "Yes, Rem?"

When I turn he is standing beside the toaster and the toast that has just popped up is severely burnt. I try not to laugh at him but it is really hard. I shake my head and I gesture for him to come and help me with the waffles.

I have him measuring out the ingredients and he is doing pretty good so far. I'm working on making the waffles from the batter we have done and frying some bacon. I check on Remus and he is still doing good with making the batter.

I continue what I'm doing and I only need one more batch of waffles and we will have enough for everyone. I tell him and he gets to work. Everything is going smoothly until Remus drops a cup of flower. The powder goes everywhere on us. He has flower in his hair and on his shirt and I have it in my hair and on my face. I look at him angrily but he just laughs.

"Why did you drop it!" I shout at him.

"I was busy looking at your bum! Your shorts don't even cover it!" He whisper shouts while laughing.

I feel my face go red and I turn away from him. I pull my shorts down a bit so they cover my butt. I go back to making the waffles ignoring Remus. He stands back leaning against the other counter watching me. Once I finish the waffles I yell and everyone comes downstairs. Everyone is dressed and ready for the day except for Lily who looks like she just woke up.

I excuse myself and go upstairs to shower and change into clothes that aren't covered in flour. I go to my room and start digging through my drawers to find some clothes.

I hear a light knock on my door and I shout 'come in'. My door opens slowly and Remus walks in still covered in flour. I roll my eyes but he comes over and hugs me from behind.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles into my hair.

I don't respond I just roll my eyes even though I'm not actually mad.

He moves his face from my hair down to my neck and kisses my neck gently. I giggle and he does it again. It doesn't take long for us to end up sitting on my bed making out. Remus has forgotten he is a gentleman and his hands keep making their way between my butt and chest.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now