Chapter Eight - Fourth Year

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It is finally the first of September and we are going back to school today. I am so excited to get to see my friends again. Lily is probably going to bombard me with questions. After James wrote her I received a very panicky letter a few days later. Lily and the other girls still don't know I am a Potter yet. I decided not to tell them till tonight at the dorm. I am also excited to see Remus. He came and visited for a few days about a week ago. He hasn't been around much because his mother has been ill a lot and the pain from his lycanthropy has been pretty bad. It seems like we better get the ball rolling on the animagi plan soon. I don't miss Sirius as much because he just left a few days ago and I will be seeing him on the train later.

I am currently just now getting out of bed when James walks in my room (without knocking). "Oh, you're awake. I was just coming up here to get you cause breakfast is almost done."

"Okay I will be down in a minute."

I wait till he leaves and shuts the door to get out the clothes I picked out to wear last night . I am going to wear a yellow crop top with sunflowers on it and dark blue high waisted jeans. I grab my converse from beside my bed and set them by my dresser to put on later. I put on my clothes excluding the shoes then head downstairs.

I walk downstairs where I am greeted with good mornings from both Euphemia and Fleamont. I say good morning back then begin filling my plate eggs, toast, and bacon. I sit down with everyone at the table and listen to the rest of my family talk about quittich.

"My family"

I repeat it in my head a few times and like how it sounds. Even though it is only been a little over a month that I have been living here I feel more at home than I have felt in a long time. I have talked a lot with both Euphemia and Fleamont and gotten quite close to them and James has became even more like a brother than before.

James speaks up pulling me from the thoughts "You are trying out for quittich this year right?"

I almost forgot that James devoted almost his entire summer to teaching me quittich. It went pretty well actually and I am almost a master at flying on a broom. We tried playing with me in some different positions when Sirius was here and the places I did the best in were beater and keeper.

"I might, but I'm not sure."

"Come on Chase we need you on the team!"

"James I don't even have my own broom."

At this time fleamont butts in "Getting you a broom will be no problem. We just need to know if you are going to try out."

I hesitate thinking about it for a second. "Well...... I guess it won't hurt."

James jumps up and pumps his fist "YES"

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going to go finish getting ready" I say as I carry my plate to the sink and rinse it off.

I walk upstairs into the bathroom I share with James since it is right between our rooms. The first thing I do is brush through my hair and I decide that I'm going to straighten my hair today which takes forever since it is so long and has grew at least an inch over the summer. So I divide it up into four layers straightening the first layer which took about ten minutes. Then I dothe second layer which took about 15 or so minutes. The next layer took another fifteen and the last took ten. I quickly brush my hair out admiring how good it looks when James bangs on the door.

"Chase how long can it take for you to get ready! I need to brush my teeth and fix my hair! Hurry up!"

I swing the door open and look at him. "Just come in all I have to do is my makeup."

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