Chapter Twenty-Three - Fifth Year

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So far we're a little over a week into the animagi plan and I think Remus is starting to catch on. No one else has really caught on except for him. The boys lisp isn't even really noticeable anymore but mine is still kind of bad. I can hide it when I'm talking to teachers or other students but I don't try when I'm with the boys and Remus noticed. I told him I burned my tongue really bad and that's why I can't talk very well but he doesn't seem to believe it anymore.

Right now it's Thursday night and James and Sirius have detention for bullying Snape. Peter, Remus, and I are all in the boys dorm laying around. Peter is in his bed with the curtains drawn and I'm pretty sure he is asleep. Remus and I are laying in his bed. I'm laying with my head on his chest trying not to fall asleep and he is reading.

"So when are you going to tell me what you and the guys are up to?" Remus asks.

I try to pretend I'm asleep so maybe he will leave me alone.

"I know your not asleep Grace." He says bluntly not looking away from his book.

I sit up and look at him. "Don't call me Grace. Everyone already thinks I'm weird because my last name changed."

"Fine. Tell me what's going on with you and the guys."

"Nothing is going on." I insist.

He continues to press on about it and I try to not get frustrated. I started my period yesterday and my patients is low.

"Alright then." He says and goes back to reading his book.

I roll my eyes and huff at him. I get up and I stomp over to his trunk to get one of his sweaters because I'm cold. I feel him staring at me so I look up and stare back at him.

"What?!" I snap.

He shrugs and looks back at his book.

I roll my eyes again and I stomp over to his nightstand and pick up my school bag off of the floor. I start digging around in it to find my muggle period meds because I'm having cramps and I have a bad headache. I've tried potions from Madame Pomfrey but they don't help.

"What are you looking for?" Remus asks me.

I ignore him and I keep looking. I hear him stand up but I don't look up from what I'm doing. I want him to leave me alone but he doesn't. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and lift me up. I shout indignantly but he ignores me and sets me on the bed.

I just sit and stare at the wall with my arms crossed being grumpy. After a few moments he sits back down beside me on the bed and he has his hand out to give me something.

I put my hand out and he drops two small pills in my hand. I look up at him because it's my pain meds I couldn't find.

"You left them here in the bathroom last month and I was gonna give them back to you but I forgot. They've been in my nightstand drawer for like ever." He explains.

I just nod because now I feel bad for being rude. He hands me his glass of water that was on his nightstand and I take the pills and I lay back down and look at the other side of the room.

"How'd you know I'm on my period?" I ask him because I didn't tell him.

"I could tell by how your acting and you always smell different when it's your time of the month."

I scrunch up my nose "Do I smell bad?"

"No, it's just different than how you normally smell. I can't tell with other girls but I can with you and sometimes Lily." He explains again.

I nod and then I close my eyes and I try to sleep because my head hurts horribly. Remus draws the curtains around us and he lays down beside me. I try to sleep but I feel awful and I can't. Normally I'm not this bad on my period but the past several months have been worse. I turn and I try to bury my face in the blankets because I'm about to cry because this really sucks. I try my hardest not to cry but I can't help it. I sniff loudly and it only takes seconds for Remus to wrap me in his arms.

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