Chapter Fourty-Eight

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Remus POV
Madame Pomfrey rushes over and pushes us away from Chase. She gives Chase a small waste container incase she pukes again but Chase looks like she is barely even awake.

Madame Pomfrey is frantically listening to her heart while trying to hold her upright. Chase groans loudly and pukes again. Madame Pomfrey points to Sirius and he walks over to her.

"Go get Minerva, now!"

He turns on his heal and runs out of the room. Next she points at me.

"Remus come here and hold her up for me. I need to go work on some potions real quick but I can't lay her back down incase she gets sick again."

I walk over and put my hand on Chase's back and hold onto her arm to keep her upright.

Madame Pomfrey let's go and rushes to the back room. I hold Chase steady but it is hard because I'm so scared. Something is really wrong with her.

"Love?" I say trying to get her attention.

She looks over in my direction but doesn't turn her head. I move so I am still holding her but I can look at her face now. I swallow thickly and take a deep breath.

He skin is deathly pale and her eyes are bloodshot. He lips are puffy and she still has blood and vomit on her face.

I take another deep breath trying to calm myself down. "Love, I know you feel absolutely awful right now but I need you to try to pull through okay? We will get you fixed up."

All I get in response is a low groan of pain.

I don't get to say anything else because James, Sirius, and McGonagall rush in. McGonagall rushes to the back with Madame Pomfrey and James and Sirius rush over to me.

"What's wrong with her?" James says panicking.

I roll my eyes at him, "Does it look like I know!"

They finally come out of the back room carrying several potions.

"Alright, everyone out" Pomfrey announces.

We all go to argue but the look she gives us let's us know that would be a bad idea.

We walk out side and sit beside the door against the wall. We all wait silently for someone to come and give us some news. Eventually McGonagall rushes out but she walks right past us.

Sirius sighs loudly and puts his head in his hands. I reach over and put a hand on his back trying to comfort him even though I don't feel much better than he does.

Eventually McGonagall comes back with Dumbledore and they rush into the hospital wing.

They all go in and out of the room several times before we finally get called into Dumbledores office. I'm not sure what time it is but I know it has been hours since we dropped her off originally.

We get in his office and he has us all take a seat.

"Well boys as you know Ms. Potter is very sick. It took awhile but we finally found out the cause of her illness was from consuming some type of poison. We aren't sure exactly what it was but we believe it is something that has to do with the new dark magic the followers of Voldemort are using."

He pauses to let the info set in before continuing again.

"She is going to be fine but we are trying to get to the bottom of this. I have already spoken to several people but it still hasn't cleared anything up. We believe it was the same person who told Voldemort about her powers. You three are the only people we are almost positive didn't do it. I called you in here to inform you to be on the lookout because it has to be someone close to you."

We are all silent for awhile but then Sirius breaks it, "Have you spoken to Regulus?" He asks meekly.

Dumbledore nods, "Yes we spoke to him but he didn't know anything of it and I don't believe it was him."

Sirius just nods in response. Shortly after that Dumbledore dismissed us. We all go back to the dorm in a bit of a daze. This is the second time Chase has almost died because of Deatheaters. We are really failing at protecting her.

All of the sudden James smacks his lamp off his nightstand leaving it to shatter on the floor. "Damn Deatheaters won't leave her alone! She is my sister and so far every attempt they've made to hurt her has worked! Not to mention Damn Dumbledore not doing a thing about it!"

I stand where I am a bit shocked over his outburst. Sirius doesn't seem phased though and he goes over and fixes the lamp with magic.

I watch James go and flop down on his bed and yank the curtains closed. I go sit up on my bed and start looking through Chase's stuff to see if I can find any clues.

I don't look up from what I'm doing until the door to the dorm slams and Sirius is gone.

Sirius POV
I stomp down to the dungeon's looking for my little brat brother. I tried to be more understanding of him after Chase was kidnapped but since then I haven't heard a peep from the little weasel.

It takes me a good twenty minutes to find him but I eventually do. "Astronomy tower, now!" I shout at him.

He recoils slightly but follows me none the less. When we finally make it up there he goes over and leans against the wall.

I run my fingers through my hair and point at him. "What the hell are you not telling us? You have to have some idea of what is happening and you aren't talking. You were all 'let's tell all of the Deatheaters plans' and then you just stopped."

He sighs loudly and turns away from me. "I know some things but it's not enough to even mention."

When he turns back to look at me I know he is lying. He is wearing that same guilty look he always wears when he lies.

"Regulus I swear to Godric if you don't tell me what the hell is happening I will push you right off the damned tower!" I shout at him.

This time he doesn't recoil or run or argue.
"They are doing a lot right now. They are getting more and more powerful. They have some Gryffindor that is working with them from the inside, but I'm not sure who it is. I also know that Voldemort has a plan to become immortal. I know he has it set in motion but I don't know the exact details."

"You have to tell someone." I tell him.

"I told you." He replies coldly.

"Look Reg, I know you are scared to tell people but you have to. This is costing people their lives! Just today one of your friends almost died because no one has the balls to step up and do the right thing!" I yell at him.

"You don't get it! You don't understand what they would do to me if they found out I'm giving out information! You don't understand what they would do to you if they knew you know this stuff! They are evil! Out of all the years I lived with mum I thought she was evil but these people, are crazy! They have tortured people to death for much less than giving information out!" He shouts back at me.

I feel the blood rushing to my face and I can feel myself getting angrier by the second, "That is why you need to tell people these things! You aren't the only person who is in danger and you aren't the only one risking their life!"

"Whatever!" He huffs turning away from me and marching back down the stairs.

We are royally screwed and there isn't anything we can do to fix it.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now