Chapter Fifty-Three

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I've just now finished my shift at work and I'm heading home to get ready for our Order meeting.

It's been about a week since I moved out and this is the second meeting we have had this week.

I get home and change into jeans and one of James old T-shirts. I touch up my makeup and pull up my hair and head out. I have to apparate to get to the meeting place because it is pretty far away. When I get there I have to make sure no one is following me before I go inside.

When I get there it looks like everyone else is already there. I'm the last one to get here because I had to work later than the rest.

Lily, James, Peter, Sirius, Remus, Marlene, Matthew, Alice, and Frank are all here. The other people I know are Dumbledore, Hagrid, Shaklebolt, and Mad-eye Moody. The rest of the people that come I'm not real close with. I go over and stand beside Remus and he wraps his arm around me.

Moody claps his hands to get everyone's attention before speaking. "Alright, we have many things to discuss. We have not found the other two horcrux. We are sending people out on missions to find them today. We are sending several other people out on different missions today also. We need someone to look for new recruits, we need someone to start spying in on their meetings, and we have a few other missions but I will only give the people selected the details."

That is a lot of missions for one meeting. I'm worried one of the boys will get picked for one.

"Alright" Shaklebolt says stapling forward. "I need James Potter, Matthew Odair, Remus Lupin, the Prewetts, and Sirius Black. You are going out on missions. I need you to come with me to get your plan. After that you may go home and pack but then come straight back here. The rest of you are dismissed."

I feel my knees go weak and I almost fall. Every one of them is leaving. My boyfriend and my brothers. I can't do anything about though so I walk outside and wait for them. The first one to walk out is Sirius.

I grab his arm and he jumps back startled. "Where are you guys going? How long will you be gone? How dangerous is it?"

He doesn't say anything but he reaches out and gives me a hug. "I love you." He mumbles into my hair.

"I love you too." I say back.

He lets go and walks away. I just stand there not knowing what to do.

Matthew comes out next and I get almost the same reaction from him. The next one to come out is James and he has a solemn look on his face.

I grab his arm and look at him pleading for him to give me some answers. "James, what is going on?"

He sighs and wraps me in a hug. I'm afraid he will do the same thing Sirius and Matthew did but he doesn't.

"They are sending us all away on solo missions. I'm not sure when we will be back or what the other guys have to do."

He squeezes me tightly like I am his lifeline.

"I have to go so I can tell Lils bye. I love you and I need you and Lily to stay strong for us. Help Lily plan the wedding while we are gone. Take her dress shopping or something. Do what you guys have to but just stay strong for us.......I love you."

My eyes fill with tears and I hug him tighter. "I love you too." I mumble.

He lets go and walks away. After a few minutes Remus walks out. He doesn't even say anything he just grabs my hand and apparates us away.

When we hit the ground again we are standing in my living room. He engulfs me in a bear hug and buries his face in my neck.

"They are sending me away for a bit. I'm sure it will be okay it's just I'm not sure how long I will be gone."

I nod and hug him tighter trying not to cry. He pulls away and kisses me like it is the last time he will get to.....which it may be. I shake that thought from my head and look at his face. His expression isn't readable so I'm not sure exactly what he is feeling.

"I want you to start planning the wedding while I'm gone......let's try to have at the wedding at the beginning of October. I've always wanted a fall wedding."

I nod and he hugs me again. He kisses me quickly and we say our goodbyes and with that he is gone.

I feel empty. I'm standing in my living room all alone now and my fiancé just left to go on a very dangerous mission.

I put my head in my hands and sit on the couch. I'm not sure how long I sit but it is awhile.

I eventually get up and walked over to my phone. I pick up the receiver and dial the number I've dialed several times before. The phone rings three times before I get a answer.


"Hey, I need some help. Can you come over?" I say.

"Give me the address I'll be there in a hour."

An hour or so later there is a knock at my door. I walk over and open it and I fall into Logan's arms and start crying immediately. He pulls me inside and has me set on the couch.

"Shhhhh, tell me what's wrong."

It takes me a minute to collect myself but then I tell him what happened. After I tell him he is silent for a moment but then he stands up and claps his hands together.

"Well we have to do what they asked. We are going to plan this wedding......and get you some furniture."

I laugh a bit and wipe my tears. He pulls me into a quick hug and then asks for a tour of the house.

For the rest of the day Logan and I plan the wedding and go furniture shopping. Lily comes over for awhile but she doesn't stay for long.

Before Lily left we decided to go dress shopping tomorrow. My mum and her mum are going to come and it will just be the four of us.

Logan ends up leaving around 6 and then I have the rest of the night to myself. It was hard finding things to do to occupy my time so I wouldn't worry about my boys. I end up going to bed early and falling asleep alone in my own house for the first time.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now