Chapter Fifty-Five

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Time Skip to a month and a half later
It's been a whole month and all the boys are back except for Remus. Basically they were sent off to gather information. Sirius returned after two weeks, Matthew after 16 days, James after three weeks. None of them know any information about Remus or when he will be back.

I'm getting more and more worried the longer he is gone. James and Lily's wedding is in two weeks and they are talking about pushing it back because Remus has to be there.

I'm currently over at James house helping Lily get things scheduled for the wedding. I've been staying over here since James got back. It's just been us two because Lily isn't moving in until after the wedding.

We are sitting on the floor around the coffee table when we hear the phone ring. I get up to go answer it but James beats me to it so I sit back down.

After a few minutes he walks in and points at me. "Go open the door."

I look at him with my eyebrows raised. "Why?"

He doesn't say anything but points to the door again. I get up and I open it. Standing outside is Remus holding a large bouquet or sunflowers.

"Oh my gosh!" I scream and jump onto him.

He barely catches me because he is holding a bag in one hand and the flowers in the other. He laughs happily and kisses my hair.

"Love, why don't you get down so we can go sit on the couch and I can talk to you." He suggests.

I don't budge from where I'm at so he sighs and awkwardly walks over to the couch and sits down with me still on him. When he sits I move so I'm sitting right up against him.

"I called Sirius, he will be here in about five minutes." James announces.

Remus nods and looks over at me and kisses me. I melt into the kiss because I've almost forgotten how soft his lips are on mine. He pulls away and gives me a quick hug.

"I missed you so much, baby, I love you." He mumbles into my hair.

I tell him that I love him too and he moves away and hands me the bag. It is a light blue with gray tissue paper. I open it and inside there is a blue sweater, some candles, candy, and a envelope.

I thank him for the stuff then I open the envelope. It has a picture of a fancy rustic looking wedding venue.

I look at him and he smiles. "Well I was doing some planning while I was gone and I was wondering if you would want to get married there. I found it for a really good price so I reserved it but I haven't paid anything on it yet because I wanted to ask you first."

I smile and hug him. "I love it. Let's do it."

He nods and takes the envelope from me. I realize that all of the wedding plans are laying out on the table so I pick up my binder and sit back beside him.

"This is what I have planned so far. I just wanted to check and see what you think." I say showing him stuff in the binder.

He nods and helps flip through. So far I have gotten everything picked out and now everything just has to be ordered or scheduled. The venue was the last thing I had to take care of. Remus has to pick out a suit to wear but I'm going to leave that up to the boys because I'm going to show James and Sirius my dress so they will be able to help him pick something out that will look nice with it.

We have just finished flipping through the book when Sirius walks through the door and runs in and tackles Remus in a hug. He almost crushes me and I laugh shoving him off the couch.

He gets up and pulls me off the couch. "You promised to show James and I your dress once Remus got back!"

I roll my eyes and laugh looking back at Remus.

"Hey why do they get to see it?" He pouts.

I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. "You stay here and call about that venue please."

He sighs and nods.

"I'll stay here too and help him call on some of the other things you have down. I pretty much have everything set up for mine already so now it is time to work on yours." Lily says.

I smile and thank her.

I walk with the boys over to my house and we head inside. Mine and Lily's dresses are upstairs in the empty guest room. I stop James and tell him that they have to stay downstairs because Lily's dress is here and he can't see it.

He doesn't argue and they camp down on my couch. I head upstairs and go into the room. It doesn't just have the wedding dresses in it but it also has all the bridesmaids dresses for both of our weddings, our shoes, and a bunch of other stuff.

I go and get my dress and put it on and use my abilities to zip it up. I decide to put on my shoes too and I walk downstairs. When I walk into the room the boys both stare with their mouths open.
I think it is funny how they act like little kids looking at a princess.

Then James does something that is unexpected. He sniffs loudly and comes over to hug me with tears rolling down his face.

"I am so proud of you. I-I have always felt like I have to be here to protect you and keep you safe and just be your big brother. Now I have to give you to someone else and let them take care of you."

I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly starting to cry too.

"You listen here. You will never ever lose me. I will always need you and you don't have to stop protecting me. Just because we won't be in the same house doesn't mean I care about you any less. My house is literally right next to yours. I'm not going anywhere because if you go I go too." I say sternly.

He hugs me tighter and Sirius comes over to join too. "I love you guys." He says sniffling a bit too.

I laugh and hug him too. "I love you more."

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now