Chapter Sixty-Three

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Remus POV
It's been almost two months and Luke still isn't sleeping through the night. Chase says it's not that big of a deal but that's because she sleeps through him crying. I always get up to take care of him and I'm exhausted with it. He is a cute baby and I love him but I can only take so much.

Chase is about to go back to work which means we will have to start leaving him with a babysitter. We would normally ask James and Lily, but Lily is too pregnant to pick him up.

We went with the next best thing......Sirius and Kayla. They have been over here almost everyday since the baby was born and I'm sure they could care for him fine. I'm just worried I'm going to come home and they will have my baby dressed like a biker.

Chase left to go to the store about an hour ago and she should be getting back soon. I decide not to put Luke down for his nap because he hasn't ate yet and I'm waiting on Chase for that. She didn't leave any bottles for me and we aren't using formula.

I wrap Luke in his little blanket James and Lily got him and I carry him to the living room. He seems to love this blanket they got him. It is all fuzzy on the inside and it has a picture of a elephant on the other side.

I lay down on the couch and lay Luke on my chest. I hold him so he can't roll off and then I talk to him. He probably thinks I'm crazy because I talk to him like he is any other adult.

Chase POV
When I get home I go inside without grabbing any of my groceries from the car. I'm just ready to see my baby. When I get inside Remus is asleep and so is Lucas. They look adorable sleeping on the couch together. I run upstairs to get my camera before waking them up.

Poor Remus has been exhausted from taking care of Luke at night. I'm normally the first one to wake up when he cries but I just pretend to be asleep until Remus wakes up and takes care of him. My husband is the best.

I get my wizard camera and run back downstairs and take a picture of them. After that I set it on the coffee table and lift Luke off of Remus.

Remus sits up flailing in panic. I look at him because he is acting crazy. He groans and runs his hands down his face.

"You scared me. I thought he rolled off of me but it was just you picking him up." He explains.

I sit down beside him and kiss him gently. I was going to tell him how much I love and appreciate him but I get distracted. He has a good bit of stubble growing and I'm not one for a guy with a beard.

"You need to shave." I say.

He rolls his eyes and puts his arm around me.

"I'm working on a beard." He says rubbing his prickly face against mine.

I push him away laughing. "I have groceries in the car."

He nods and gets up to carry them in. I get Luke's play mat and lay him on it beside the couch so we can watch him as we carry groceries and he can watch us.

I head outside to help with the groceries but Remus already has like half on them I'm his arms.

"Luke is on his play-mat beside the couch. Don't step on him."

He nods acknowledging he heard me so I go ahead and grab the rest of the groceries. We get them inside and start putting them away. I leave stuff out to fix Remus and I dinner. He ends up going to take care of Luke while I start to cook.

"Babeeeeee he's hungry!" Remus yells from the other room.

"Get a bottle! I pumped some yesterday!"

"They're all gone!"

Oh this man is going to be the death of me. I set down my spoon I'm stirring with and take the pan off the heat. I march over to the fridge and of course there is a bottle in there.

"Remus John Lupin! There is a bottle right here and I suggest you get your skinny butt in here and warm it up for Lucas before I have a come apart!" I yell to him.

It doesn't take long for him to come in and take care of it. By the time I get dinner done and Remus has Luke taken care of it's a little past 7.
I go ahead and lay Lucas down for the night since it is pretty late for him.

I head to the kitchen and start fixing our plates. Remus stalks in and comes over to me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my hair.

"You're a wonderful mum." He mumbles.

"You're a great dad." I reply.

"We make beautiful babies. I bet our baby is cuter than James and Lily's baby."

I roll my eyes and ignore him. I get our plates fixed and I hand him one. We sit at the table and talk about random stuff and just catch up because we don't get as much time together now that we have the baby.

Once we finish I get up to clean. I start washing dishes in the sink until Remus comes up behind me.

"The baby is sleeping. I think we should use this time wisely."

I stay silent and he runs his hands along the waist band of my pants. It's getting close to the full moon and he gets pretty inpatient about this stuff.

"You can do the dishes later. Let's go to bed."

I stay silent still to tease him.

"Get upstairs and get in bed now." He says smacking me hard on the butt before walking up to our room.

I dry my hands and follow him.

I wake up at 4 a.m because the phone is ringing.

"Hello?" I answer tiredly.

"Lily went into labor early this morning and she just had the baby. You guys can come visit at....8." James answers sounding just as tired as I do.

"Oh okay." I say before hanging up the phone and going back to sleep.

I don't comprehend what he said until I wake up again at 7. I remember our conversation and I shake Remus awake.

"Lily had the baby! Get up and get ready so we can go visit."

He hops out of bed and goes into the bathroom. I follow in behind him because who cares about privacy.

I go over and turn on the shower. He looks over and gives me a weird look. He is in the middle of peeing and I guess he wants privacy. I completely ignore him and strip down and get in the shower.
I start to wash my hair but then the door opens and Remus gets in with me. He grabs his shampoo and starts to wash off. I do the same.

I finish my shower first so I get out and wrap myself up in a towel. I fix my hair and brush my teeth before getting dressed.

After that I go and wake up Luke and bring him to our room. I give him a quick bath and get him dressed. After that Remus is ready to go but I'm not done taking care of our baby. We end up laying in bed for another 15 minutes so I can feed him.

After that we finally get to go to the hospital. As soon as we get there I trade with Sirius. I hand Luke off to him and hold my new nephew. Harry is beautiful and I'm so excited. I bet him and Luke will be really close when they get older.

Remus POV
James pulls me out into the hospital hallway and I immediately get worried. His expression is dark despite how happy he should be.

"I'm going into hiding. I'm not risking the lives of my family. I'm not completely sitting the war out but it's at least going to wait until Harry is one. I need some time to see if this is really something I want to get into." He explains.

I nod solemnly.

"I think you guys should go into hiding too. I couldn't imagine losing you guys and I know it would crush you if you lost Chase or Luke."

"I'll talk to Chase about it." I reassure him.

James is right. I think it is time we go into hiding. I'm not risking the lives of my family.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now