Chapter Fourty-Three

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Large time skip to seventh year
We have all just returned to Hogwarts for our final year. Remus and I are doing great in our relationship. We haven't had any big fights since our fight last year and we are even closer now then we were then. James and Lily have gotten closer and I think this is the year they are going to get together. Sirius is still single and living with us and Peter is still as awkward as ever. I continued my training with Matt all last year but he is going to work for the ministry full time this year so we will no longer be training.

I'm still in touch with Regulus and so is Sirius. He hasn't been asked to officially join the Deatheaters but we know they will ask soon. Other than that we never found out who told Voldemort that have powers and we don't know when he is going to make his next move.  I haven't had any more problems with Deatheaters coming after me or my friends but we all know it is just a matter of time before they make their move again.

Anyway it is the first day of classes and I have to get ready to go down to the Great Hall to eat with the boys. All of the girls are already ready and I tell them they can go ahead and head down.

I go into the bathroom and I brush out my hair. My hair has grown since last year and it is about halfway down my back now. I finish doing that and I brush my teeth and put on some makeup and get dressed. After that I grab my stuff and I head downstairs.

When I get to breakfast all the boys are already in there. I take a seat beside Remus and he leans over and gives me a kiss. I smile and start putting food on my plate.

"This is the year I'm going to get Lily. I can feel it." James says.

Sirius barks out a laugh and Remus shakes his head.

"Hey, I think James might be right. Lily has really warmed up to him." I say defending my brother.

"Whatever." Remus says standing up. "I'm going to head to class."

Remus and I both have transfiguration for our first class so I stand up to and follow him out of the hall.

"So Rem have you thought any about what you are doing once we graduate?" I ask him excitedly.

I started working a summer job in the small wizarding town near my house. I've been saving up so I can move out after I graduate. I've also been talking with Madame Pomfrey about where I can start interning at to kick off my career. She thinks I have a lot of potential and she has been looking into helping me get an internship at St.Mugos.

I have also been looking for anything that Remus could do for a living. He is ridiculously intelligent but his furry little problem makes things a bit difficult. I've thought about him just getting a laid back muggle job. Something that he will be able to miss on full moons. It will be difficult but we will figure it out.

"I've been thinking about it but I haven't decided anything." He says

"Wellllllll what are you thinking." I ask.

He rolls his eyes at me dramatically. "Not sure."

I decide not to push since it is a bit of a sensitive topic for him, but I do plan to talk to him about it later.

He doesn't ask about my plans because I've already told him them like twenty times.

We walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence. When we get to class we take a seat beside each other towards the back. When we get all our stuff ready we still have about 15 minutes before class starts.

"I didn't want to be this early." I state.

"Well you didn't have to follow me." Remus answers sarcastically.

I ignore him and watch as everyone starts to fill into the classroom. I see Cole walk in and I wave to him. He smiles at us and takes a seat in front of me.

"Sooooo, how is my favorite couple doing today?"
He asks smoothly

I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm. Cole and I have became pretty good friends last year and he gets along pretty well with my other friends. At first I think Remus was a bit jealous but it is clear now that Cole definitely isn't interested in me.

"We are good, she is still as moody as ever though." Remus replies

"Ahhhhhh, of course she is. I think it is impossible for her to go a day without having an attitude with someone." Cole says going along with Remus.

I open my mouth in mock hurt. "I am not moody!" I say.

"Ahhhh and there is the attitude!" Cole says waving a finger at me.

I smack his hand and pretend to be offended. He rolls his eyes and turns to face towards the front of the room. Remus opens his book and starts to get ready for class and ignores me.

After a while James and Sirius stalk into the classroom and take a seat in the row across from us that is on the right side of the room. They wave to us and we wave back, we don't get to talk to them though because McGonnagal comes in and starts class. She sits down and pulls out a stack of parchment and starts calling us up to her desk one by one. I'm about the third person to get called up to her desk.

I get up and walk down the aisle to her desk and get my parchment, it is a syllabus for her class this year. I start back towards my seat but I drop the parchment on accident. I bend over to pick it up and a boy, who is sitting in the seat beside where I'm standing, wolf whistles at me. Before I can stand up yell at him he reaches out from where he is sitting and smacks me on the bum. I stand up in shock and I'm about to yell at him when someone comes down the aisle from the back of the room.

That someone is Remus. He yanks the kid up out of his seat and starts hammering punches into him. I try to grab ahold of Remus but Sirius comes down the aisle and tries to pull me away. I don't move from where I am but I quit trying to stop Remus. Finally the kids friend gets up out of his seat and starts beating on Remus. Now it is two against one. That doesn't last for long though because James jumps in the fight too. Sirius is still trying to pull me away but I stay put staring at the boys in awe. They are so violent.

"Chase you need to move, you are going to get hit." Sirius says still trying to pull me away.

As soon as he says that, almost as if one of the guys was listening to him, I get elbowed in the face. James elbow hits me square in the nose and I fall backwards banging my head on the desk as I fall. I feel stupid for getting hit but that is not my main concern because at the moment the entire room is spinning.

There is a few flashes of light and the fighting l
stops. I assume McGonnagal stunned the boys.

"Sirius get Miss Potter up and take her to the Hospital Wing. I will take care of the other boys." I hear her say.

Seconds later I'm hauled up off the floor and Sirius throws me over his shoulder like a sack of flour. I don't protest because my head is still spinning.

What a wonderful way to start off the school year.

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