Chapter Three

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(Time Skip)
Our third year is almost over, and we will all have to go home in about two weeks, and I would rather not leave Hogwarts. All the girls are planning out their summer vacation, and I am silent.

"I intend to get a tan this summer" Lily says as she finishes up her potions essay and moves on to her transfiguration homework.

"Lily, you literally can't tan, you are a ginger." Marlene states from where she is sitting on her bed painting her nails.

"I don't care, I'm going to do it anyway." Lily says before opening her textbook.

"What are your plans for this summer Chase?" Alice asks me from where she is sitting on the floor beside her bed.

"I don't really know. Typically, I go out with my muggle friends and spend most of the summer with them, but last summer my stepfather kept me in the house usually and when I wasn't stuck in the house I was busy with other stuff."

Lily glances at me then asks, "Why'd he make you stay in so much?"

"Because he thinks I work for him, so I had to stay home and keep the house cleaned up. It wasn't so bad because I still had my bedroom, so I still had my place to hang out."

"That's ridiculous!" Marlene practically yells, making me flinch. "You shouldn't have to stay home to take care of him, he is a grown man!"

"I know Marls but-" I start, only to be cut off by Lily.

"Marlene is right, Chase, it's ridiculous. Just because your mom isn't there to take care of him doesn't make it your job. I think you should come and stay with me for part of the summer. That way you won't have to stay with him, and it would be a lot of fun if we could hang out."

"That would be great, Lils. We'll have to plan a week out or something." I tell her. "I'm also supposed to hang out with the boys some this summer."

"I really don't understand why you would voluntarily spend time with them. Especially James." Lily says with a look of disgust.

"Will Remus be there because this could finally be your chance to get with him!" Marlene squeals.

"What?!" I yell, starting to blush. "I don't have a crush on Remus, he is my best friend." I say quickly.

"Ohhhhhh pleaseeeeee." Alice butts in. "You stay up late talking to him in the common room all the time! And you guys have gotten a lot closer this year. He is literally all you talk about."

"Whatever" I tell her, trying to hide my blush. "I have to go, I told the boys I would go to the Black Lake with them to plan our end of the year prank." 

I get up to leave the dorm and catch Lily's look of disapproval, and I discreetly roll my eyes at her as I walk down to the common room and out the portrait hole.

I don't like Remus that way, they are crazy. Yeah, we have gotten closer, but that doesn't mean anything. I spend almost just as much time with the other boys.

I do feel differently whenever I see Remus anymore, though. I get butterflies that I didn't last year and I find myself staring at him, trying to observe every little thing about him.

I finally make it to the first floor to go outside, and I start trying to figure out how I'm going to make it to my friends houses over the summer. I'm going to just have to avoid Mark as much as I can which is a lot harder than it seems. I continue planning all the way to the lake when I meet with the boys.

(James POV)
   "Okay, since we are all here, we have critical matters to discuss." I tell all my friends, excluding Chase, who isn't here yet.

I told all the boys to meet me here at one, and I asked her to meet here at 1:45 that way we would have plenty of time to discuss things before she gets here. It would have gone fine, but Peter was late, so now it is 1:30, and I am running out of time.

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