Chapter Seven - Summer

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I wake up the next morning in a really good mood. I can't believe I am finally getting away from Mark! The healers want to do a final check up on me to make sure I am good to leave so they let me shower to get the rest of the blood and gunk off me then we start the check up. They first checked my height and told me I am 5'2 which is surprising because last time I checked I was 5'1. Next I have to be weighed and I weigh 92 pounds. I'm underweight but not so underweight I can't leave. She checks my head wound again and does a few other routine things and tells me I can leave in about an hour because they want to get me some potions for pain. I wanted to go and walk around a bit to get out of my room but the healer told me I have to stay in my room and rest so I don't overextend myself.

(James POV)
We all wake up early the next morning to get ready to go get Chase. Dad is gone before we get up because he has to go take care of the adoption stuff so it is just Sirius, mum and I here. We wrote Remus, Peter, and Lily last night telling them about Chase. We haven't received a letter back from them yet because none of them have probably woken up yet.

Sirius and I head to the kitchen still wearing our pajamas to get breakfast. When we walk in mum is fixing pancakes and they smell heavenly. Sirius and I start getting plates and stuff when a loud "fwoomp" comes from the living room and footsteps pad into the kitchen. Remus is standing in the kitchen entryway breathless with soot in his hair.

"Where is she? What happened? Is she okay? How bad is she hurt?" He spits questions out at us rapidly.

My mum turns off the stove and walks over to him and brushes the soot out of his hair. "She is at St.Mugos cause her stepfather got ahold of her pretty bad. Yes, she is fine. She was hurt pretty bad but she is coming home today."

Remus just stands there confused letting my mum fix his hair. "Home?"

My mum finally stops fussing over him and explains. "Chase is gonna be living with us from now on."

"That's amazing."

"Yeah" Sirius agrees loading his plate with pancakes.

We all sit down and eat then Sirius and I get ready and we apprate to St. Mugos. When we arrive my dad is already checking Chase out of the hospital and paying part of the bill. He comes over and talks to us and tells us the adoption papers are almost done all they has to be done now is mum need to sign.

"I let her change her last name from Odair to Potter. So she is Chase Potter now and she is pretty excited about it."

My mum gives him a big smile. "Good"

(Remus POV)
I am listening to the Potters talk when I finally see Chase. She is walking out of a hospital room and she somehow looks thinner from the last time I saw her even though it wasn't that long ago. One side of her head has a big bandage on it and she is walking with a slight limp. She looks exhausted but she seems happier than she has been in a long time. I was so worried about her when I got that letter from James this morning. All he said was that she was hurt really bad and I needed to reply as soon as possible.

She finally sees me and turns to me and smiles. I can't help myself so I run to her and engulf her in a giant hug. Her hair smells like hotel soap instead of apples which is how it normally smells. I knew she was thin but I'm still surprised by how little her frame feels. I hold her for a couple more seconds just happy she is okay before I become aware how close I am to her and I quickly let go blushing like mad. I look at my shoes and kick the ground.

"I was so worried about you. I'm glad you are okay and getting out of that house."

"Yeah I'm super excited. I'm officially a Potter!"

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