Chapter Sixty one

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We have to go to Thanksgiving at my parents house and then at Remus's parents. We decide to tell everyone today about the pregnancy. We went to my appointment last week and they said I'm about 10 weeks pregnant. I'm happy that I got pregnant after we got married. We were cutting it close.

Anyway we decided to do something to announce the pregnancy. What we are going to do is give everyone a card. It is going to be blank on the outside but when you open it is says something in it and it has muggle sonogram pictures. You can't really see much in the pictures but it's still really cool.

The cards all say soon to be....then whatever they will be. So for instance James card says 'soon to be uncle!'

Sirius's card says the same thing and then Lily's card says 'soon to be aunt.' Even though she already knows.

My parents cards says soon to be grandma and then soon to be grandpa.

It's not the most creative idea but we thought it was cute. We've known for about two weeks and it has been really really hard to keep it a secret.

Remus and I go ahead and load the food we are bringing into the car then drive over to my parents house.

Remus carried everything in because he refuses to let me lift anything. He has been ridiculously overprotective the past two weeks and I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand 6 1/2 more months of this.

I head inside and talk to mum for a bit and wait on everyone to get here. The last person to show up is Sirius. He comes up in his loud motorbike that practically shakes the house when he revs it up.

He stalks inside with Kayla following behind him. I didn't know she was coming but I'm happy she likes to go places with Sirius. I'm also happy she took the whole wizard thing okay. I was worried she would freak out.

I greet them and Sirius gives me a huge hug. I don't get to see him much because he is constantly on missions.

I follow him to the kitchen where everyone else is. They all greet him and start up conversation.

"How is things going at the order?" Dad asks Sirius.

Sirius shrugs but still answers. "It's going good. It's looking like the war will end in the next year or so. So far it is looking like it will be in our favor but it all comes down to who has the most power."

Everyone agrees before moving on to a more pleasant topic.

"So when are you and Remus planning on having kids?" Mum says nudging me.

I shoot a look at Lily thinking she told but she shakes her head. Before I can answer mum Lily claps her hands loudly.

"Let's eat guys! I'm starving."

Sirius whoops and heads to the dining room where all the food is. We all follow behind him and everyone sits down except for Remus and I.
Everyone looks at us as I fumble to pull the cards out of my purse.

"What's up with you two?"

Sirius asks obviously not wanting to wait for us.

"We're getting a divorce." Remus says back sarcastically.

I elbow him for saying something that stupid. He mumbles a sorry and I continue to get the cards. I finally get them and I hand half of them to Remus and I take the other half.

"Okay don't open them until I say and don't say what it says until everyone has opened theirs. I didn't know Kayla was coming so she will just have to look at Sirius's card." I explain as we pass them out.

Once everyone has their card Remus and I step back. He puts his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"Okay, open them!"

As soon as I say that James and Sirius rip into theirs trying to race and see who can open theirs first. They are literally children.

None the less James ends up winning. Sirius throws his card down in defeat but picks it back up when he sees James face as he reads it.

James is the first one to read the card and Sirius is the second. The next is Lily but she already knew. After that it was mum and then dad. After everyone as read theirs James and Sirius jump up and run over to me.

Sirius shoves James so he can get to me first. James falls to the ground and Sirius wraps me in a bear hug and lifts me off my feet.

"Oh my gosh we're having a baby!"

Remus fake laughs and pulls Sirius off of me.

"Actually we're having a baby." He says motioning between him and I.

Sirius scoffs. "Same thing."

Remus seems like he wants to argue but he doesn't. We get a lot of hugs and congratulations from everyone and mum even cries from excitement. We eventually settle down and eat but all we talk about the entire meal is babies.

When we finish eating I walk outside to get some fresh air because is is super hot in the house. James comes outside and stands beside me.

"I can't believe you're pregnant." He says smiling.

I smile too and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Gross I just realized that my best friend did the nasty with my baby sister." He says poking me.

I giggle but don't say anything.

"At least he had enough sense to wait till marriage." He says.

"Yeah I would've hated if it would've happened while we were in school." I reply.

He wraps his arm around me. "You're going to be a great mum and Remus will be a great dad. I'm happy for you guys."

"You and Lily will be great parents too one day.....just wait till you guys are a bit older. I'm only 18 and Remus is only 19."

"Yeah that's pretty young." He agrees.

I'm so happy to have a family that is as good to me as they are. James is the best brother I could ask for. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

Remus and I end up having to leave early because we still have to go to his parents house.

His parents were just as excited as everyone else was. We didn't end up staying there long though because we weren't very hungry. We did take enough leftovers to last at least a week.

Does anyone have any guesses about what gender the baby will be? Also what should their name be?

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