Chapter Sixty-Five

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Remus and I have been making great progress on the house. We have the living room done, plus a few smaller rooms. It's been a bit more difficult since Luke has been so fussy, but it's okay.

Today we spent most of the day working on the guest room. It has Remus's old furniture in it, and the walls needed painted to match the furniture. His furniture is dark brown and the walls were bright gray. Not a horrible combo, but we both decided we wanted the room to be tan.

We also switched the mattresses. We took the mattress off our bed and put it in the guest room. We took the mattress from the guest room since it is comfier.

We have just finished taking care of all that, so I decided to go fix dinner while Remus hangs out with the baby.

I turn on some music because I like to listen to music while I cook. I have been trying out new recipes that Logan brings me, and tonight we are having chicken and rice. I'm pretty excited about it.

I start fixing it, and it turns out pretty good. I fix our plates and set the table. I pull up Luke's high chair and put him in it. Remus takes his seat at the head of the table and I sit beside Luke. I give him his bottle and start on my food.

"When can he eat solids?" Remus asks out of the blue.

"Uhhh we could probably start trying soon. I want to wait until he is five months, though." I explain.

"That sounds good." He replies.

"After dinner I have to do some cleaning since the house is so messy from us redecorating stuff."

"Sooooo I get to hang out with Lucas while you do that?" He asks.

I nod and he whoops loudly. I take it he is excited to spend more time with him.

I laugh and we finish eating. Remus takes Luke upstairs to get a bath and get him ready for bed. I gather the plates and get to work cleaning.

I clean up the dinner mess first, but then I move on to the rest of the house. I'm almost done when Remus comes to help me. He got Luke laid down already.

"If you want, I can finish, and you can go relax." He suggests.

I almost tell him no, but the house is almost cleaned up anyway. I've been complaining about needing a chill day, and I'm going to take this opportunity.

"Yeah. I'm going to go take a bath." I tell him.

After that, I head upstairs and to our bathroom. I start a bubble bath and I grab some stuff, then get in. I paint my nails and toes, then use my wand to dry them. After that, I lean my head over the back of the tub and relax.

I'm half asleep when the door opens. I know it is Remus from the footsteps. He shuts the door behind him, but I don't look up because I'm relaxing.

I hear him sigh and I know he is taking his clothes off because I hear his belt hit the floor with his jeans. He never takes his belt off his jeans, and I have to do it when I do laundry. It makes me so mad.

I don't open my eyes until I feel movement near me. Remus is getting in the tub on the other side of me. He puts my legs over his and leans back somewhat like I am. He is a lot taller, so his legs barely fit in the tub.

He hands me a glass of wine from beside the tub, but it looks like he settled on a butter beer. I sigh and sip my drink. I'm a lightweight, but a little wine normally doesn't affect me.

We sit like that for what feels like forever. I love that we are comfortable enough with each other to shower together and even take baths together.

We don't really have much privacy, but neither of us mind. I like to walk around the house with no pants on, and he likes to walk around with only basketball shorts. We make it work.

He eventually gets out and gets dressed. I do the same because the water is cold at this point.

I get dressed in a sports bra and a pair of Rems underwear. It's the middle of winter, but I sleep with hardly anything on since we keep so many blankets on our bed.

I check on the baby, and then we head to bed. I lay in the middle of the bed and Remus lies on his side and spoons me. This is normally how we fall asleep, but we never stay like that because it gets really hot, so we end up on opposite sides of the bed.

I wake up, and I have no idea why until I realize the downstairs phone is ringing. I get out of bed and I hurry downstairs before it wakes Luke up.

I grab the receiver and put it to my ear as I check the time. 2:47 a.m. Who the hell is calling at this time of night.

"Hello?" I whisper, trying not to wake anyone up.

The voice on the other end startles me. "Chase! Oh, thank Merlin you answered. I have found out the last horcrux and I'm going to destroy it. I also found out who the rat is, and you're going to freak."

"Slow down for a second, Reg. You're going to have an aneurysm." I say tiredly.

"No, the Gryffindor rat is Pettigrew. He has been with us this whole time. I just now found out. He is the one who told them about your abilities. He is the one who poisoned you! It's been him all along."

My blood instantly runs cold.

"How'd you find this out?" I ask, my voice so shaky I'm not even sure he can understand.

"Apparently be told Voldemort something important and Voldemort was very pleased with it. All I know is they both left in a rush after that."

I drop the receiver and run. I run straight out the door and I don't care that it slams behind me. I run out into the bitter cold in what I'm wearing, and I don't even bother to put shoes on. When I get to James' house, the door is wide open. I run faster because I may already be too late.

"Lily take Harry and get upstairs." I hear as I approach the door.

I barely slow down when I run through the doorway. James is standing by the couch with his wand aimed at Voldemort, who is standing beside me.

Voldemort points his wand at James, but doesn't even get a chance to say his spell. I use my powers so fling him into the wall. He hits it so hard, the drywall cracks all the way up to the ceiling.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I scream.

He starts to get up, but I grab him by his cloak. I want to kill him right now, but he still has a horcrux left. I can't kill him yet, but that doesn't mean I can't do it later.

"You think we are at war now? I can tell you that this is just the beginning. I won't stop until you and every single one of your followers is dead."
I growl.

As soon as I let him go, he apprates away. I turn to James and wrap him in a hug. He is shaking and I am too. We ran upstairs to check on Lily and she is fine.

"He came for Harry." James explains.

I had already assumed that. We found out not that long ago that he was looking for Harry. It was because of some prophecy, but I think Kingsley was able to confirm it was just a rumor. I take it, Voldy doesn't know that.

"Remus!" I scream when I walk through the door of my house.

He rushes in from the kitchen and hugs me. "I woke up when the door slammed, and I noticed you were gone. Luke is still asleep though...... what's going on?"

I briefly explain the situation, then go over to the phone. First, I call Logan to come sit with the kids. Then I call Kingsley and let him know we are going to war.

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