Chapter Fourty-Six

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"Hey Lils!" I say as I walk into our dorm and flop down on the bed.

"Hey." She replies not looking up from her book.

I think the four of us should have a girls night tonight since it is Friday." I say.

She finally looks up from her book and nods immediately.

"That's a great idea! It's uhhhh 4:30 right now so why don't we get the other girls and we can just eat dinner up here." She suggests.

We decide that she can go get the girls and I will go tell the boys not to bother us. We leave together and she leaves out the portrait hole to go look for Alice and Marlene and I go up to the boys dorm.

When I walk in Remus is the only one in there so I walk in and sit on the foot of his bed. He is reading so he sets his book down to give me his attention.

"We are gonna have a girls night, I'm going to be up in my dorm all night, so don't come and bother me." I say as I poke his side playfully.

He rolls his eyes and pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me, "Well what if I wanted to spend tonight with you."

I shake my head, "Well too bad. I'm gonna spend it with the girls."

"Ughhh, but I miss you." He groans.

I roll my eyes. "You've seen me everyday this week."

He pulls me closer and moves his hand down to my bum and gives it a good squeeze. "I want more though." He whines.

I push him off and get up before he starts to take things further.

"No, way José, I'm gonna go now so I can spend time with the girls."

"Fine." He huffs.

He sits forward and gives me a quick kiss before I head back to my dorm.

When I get there all of the girls are there and they are all huddled up on Lily's bed. I walk over and sit with them.

"So what do we want to do first?" I ask excitedly.

All of us are silent for a second before Alice jumps up off the bed, "Let's play truth or dare!"

We all squeal in agreement and Marlene jumps up and runs over to her bed and slams open her nightstand drawer and pulls out a bottle of fire whiskey.

"We have to have this if we are gonna play for real."

I'm not to excited about drinking because I am a lightweight but it is gonna be fun.

We all sit in a circle on the floor and let Marlene make up the rules.

"Okay so if you get a dare or truth that you refuse to do you have to take a shot. Whoever is the person who chooses the dare or truth has to take a shot if the person they dared does it."

We all nod even though this is going to be a horrible idea.

"Okay I'll go first." Marlene announces "Uhhhhh let's see.....Lily! I dare you to walk right up to the boys dorm and kiss James."

We all look at Lily expecting her to take a shot but she gets up and marches out of the room.

"Chase go followed her to see if she actually does it."

I get up and follow her up to their dorm. I stand behind her as she knocks on the door and waits for them to yell "come in". When they do she opens the door and walks in and I follow her inside.

All of the boys are in the dorm sitting on their beds. Remus is reading and Sirius, James, and Peter are all having a loud conversation across the room. When they notice Lily and I walk in they quiet down and Rem looks up from his book. Lily marches over to James and cups his face in her hands and she gives him a LONG kiss right on his lips. Afterwards she turns on her heel and marches out. I look at the boys and shrug.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now