Chapter Fourty-Seven

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I wake up the next morning with a horrible hangover and I'm in the dorm all alone. I roll over and look at the clock, it is already past noon. I assume the other girls already got up and they are out somewhere. I get up and I walk into the bathroom and I can't even look at my reflection because I know I look horrible. I get in the shower and I stand under the water for at least thirty minutes before I get out without washing my hair.

I get dressed in one of my old sweatshirts that probably used to be Logan's. I match it with black leggings and my tennis shoes. I creep out of the castle and I go sit beside the lake. My brother is missing and now I'm expected to join the war right out of school. It's all too much.

I stare out at the water and I shiver from the cold. I wonder if I'm ever going to get a break. I don't want to fight in the war but I have to. I'm our biggest weapon.

I lay on my back and take a deep breath. My friends are all excited to join the order after school and I feel like the only one who is terrified.

I sit up and look at my reflection in the water. I'm still the same scared little kid I was 4 years ago when I was living with Mark. I still have the same dead green eyes and the same thin frame. The only thing missing is the bruises and I honestly wish I could go back to it now. It was much simpler then. The physical pain was easier to deal with than the emotional pain I feel now.

I have always wanted a easy life but I have never gotten it. All I've gotten is pain with a few happy moments in between.

I suddenly can't take it anymore. I start rocking back and forth and sobbing. I'm having a panic attack and I'm once again all alone with no one to help me. It takes awhile but it eventually passes. Afterwards I just lay on my back and stare at the grayish blue sky.

Eventually I hear someone approach and lay beside me. I don't acknowledge them because I don't have the energy.

"Hey sis." I hear James say.

We are both silent for a moment before I say something.

"If you are here to give me a long 'It'll get better speech' I'm not in the mood."

He sighs, "I know, I'm not here to lecture you into feeling better. I'm just here to check on you."

"Okay." I mumble.

"Remus is worried about you. He has been looking for you." He says.

"I'll come inside but I'm going to go take a nap." Is how I reply.


We get up and trudge to the castle and up to the boys dorm. When I walk in Remus is sitting on his bed leafing through what looks like pictures.

"I'm gonna go find Lily, you two can have the dorm to yourselves for awhile." James says before turning around and leaving.

"Wow, he is actually leaving us alone." Remus says astonished.

I laugh a bit but then I walk over to his bed and get under the covers and curl up beside him and dig some chocolates out of my bag and eat a few.

"Do you remember this?" He says showing me a picture.

It is a picture of us in his backyard surrounded by snow kissing. I remember that day because I was so happy to finally be with Remus and get to spend an entire day with him. It is one of my favorite memories with him.

"Yeah, I remember. It was a great day." I answer.

"I want to recreate it this year. That way we will have one from when we first got together and one that is recent." He explains.

I smile but I don't answer.

"I want to create a photo album that is just you and me and then I want one that is of all of us. That way we have a ton of pictures to show our kids." He says.

I raise my head up because that is not what I expected him to say.


"Well yeah, I thought about it and I realized that if this is going to work I have to compromise on some things. So I figure we will start and have one kid and see how it goes." He says.

I don't respond I just sit up and give him a quick kiss.

"I love you." He mumbles.

"I love you too." I mumble back. I lay back down and I eventually fall asleep.

When I wake up I feel like my head is going to explode and my body feels like it is on fire. I groan loudly and roll over. Remus stirs beside me and he sits up.

"Dang babe, you're burning up." He reaches over and puts his hand on my head. "You're running a bad fever."

He gets out of bed and goes over to his trunk and changes his shirt. I continue to lay in bed because I feel like I'm dying. He comes over and makes me sit up and he takes my shirt that is drenched in sweat and swaps it out for one of his clean ones. He gets my brush and hair ties out of my bag and he brushes my sweaty hair and puts it up in a bun. After that he puts my shoes on for me and hauls me up.

"Come on, love, we are going to the Hospital Wing."

I want to argue but I'm barely even awake.

Remus POV
When I finally get Chase down to the common room she is barely even conscious. James and Sirius are sitting on the couch and they stand up and rush over.

"She woke up with a really bad fever and I'm trying to get her to the hospital wing but it's not going well." I explain.

"Okay I'll help get her down there, James go see if you can get a teacher to help us." Sirius commands.

James leaves the common room and Sirius and I try to haul her downstairs. It takes about 15 minutes to get her there and James never came with a teacher.

"Oh my, she is burning up." Madame Pomfrey says feeling her head.

She takes Chase from us and puts her in an empty bed.

"Remus, go get me some of the extra clothes from the back room." She pauses and listens to Chase's heart. "Sirius go get me some cold towels."

We do as she says and as soon as we get her the stuff she closes the curtain and leaves us standing there.

I start pacing because I hate when she isn't feeling good. Madame Pomfrey eventually opens the curtain and steps out.

"I have her settled in but I'm not sure what is wrong with her. I'm going to go and get some potions that will help. You two can sit with her for now."

As soon as she walks off Sirius and I sit on opposite sides of her bed. She is laying down with her eyes closed but I'm not sure if she is awake or sleeping.

"Rem?" She mumbles.

I take it she is awake. She starts to sit up and Sirius reaches out to help her. I give him a look because she needs to lay down and rest.

"She wants to sit up. She knows what she needs." He grumbles at me.

I don't agree with him because she doesn't know her limits.

"I-I need-" She doesn't get to finish because she leans forward and pukes up blood everywhere.

I jump up and back away from her.

Sirius stays beside her holding her hand "Madame Pomfrey!" He yells.

Chase starts to cough and Sirius rubs her back but he looks terrified and I'm sure I do too.

Madame Pomfrey runs back in and her face immediately pales. As much as I don't want to admit scared me shitless.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now