Chapter Twenty-Seven - Fifth Year

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It's been almost a month since Remus and I went on our date. Tomorrow is Halloween and James and Sirius have decided to throw a big party in the Room of Requirement.

Right now I'm in the library studying alone. The guys are all up in their dorm planning the party. I've mostly been keeping to myself lately. I've been taking some time to catch up on my studies and to work on myself. I'm working on trying to let go of my past. I still flinch when people move towards me to quickly. I still worry that the people around me are going to die or leave me. I'm finally happy but I still need some work.

I've been talking to Matt about some things and I've finally came to terms that my mother was a bad parent. There was a lot she did wrong along with chasing off my brother and marrying Mark. I've always looked up to her but the older I get the more I realize she wasn't a good mother.

I've been working on myself alot but I have decided I'm going to start doing different things with my appearance. I'm not sure what yet but I'm going to do something big.

After a while I leave the library and I head up to my dorm. I go inside and I sit on my bed and start reading one of my muggle books. I'm relaxed and enjoying my alone time until Lily comes and jumps onto my bed at my feet.

"What are you going as for the party?" She asks.

"I'm not going." I reply not looking up from my book.

"What?! You're brother is the one planning this party and you're not even going! Everyone is going to be there!" She exclaims.

"I'm not in the mood for a party Lils." I insist.

She groans and rolls her eyes. "That's stupid."

I just ignore her.

"Will you at least go for like an hour? I don't want to go alone."

"No." I say. I'm not changing my mind.

"Have you told the guys you're not going?" She asks.

I huff and set my book down. "I will go if you do one thing for me."

She nods.

"You have to spend at least one hour with James."

"No!" She yells.

"Yes, if you spend half an hour with him I will stay half the night. If you spend an hour with him I'll stay as long as you want." I tell her.

"Fine I'll spend half an hour with him." She groans.

I nod and go back to reading my book. Lily is going around the room talking about what we should do for costumes but I'm ignoring her. Eventually she throws a pillow at me so I'm forced to pay attention to her.

"We could go as something cute or scary." She says.

"Scary. I'm not cute." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and goes back to what she was doing and I try to go back to my book but now she has me thinking about a costume.

I get up out of bed and I start rummaging through my trunk. I pull out a ton of clothes but nothing gives me any ideas. I keep rummaging until I pull out last years quittich uniform. I immediately know what I'm going to do.

Time skip to before the party
It's now about three hours till the party and Lily and I are getting ready. Marlene and Alice are doing a lot simpler costumes so they don't have to get ready for a while. Lily decided to go as a ghost and I am going as a zombie quittich player.

Lily and I both take a seat infront of Marlenes vanity. We set our makeup out on separate sides. We are going to need alot of makeup, magic and face paint to pull this off.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now