Waiter #1: Fix those forks! Wipe those glasses and clean those tables! When the big guy comes, everything has to be perfect.
Waiter #2: We don't usually fancy up tables like this. Who's the hot shot?
Waiter #1: The big cheese. The top noodle. You'll know him by the yellow pin on his collar.
BIngo walks on his way to the restaurant nervous and sweating, wearing a tuxedo his size and a pinned yellow flower on it which Hootie's favorite flower.
Bingo: I-I-I....
Amy: That's Hootie's favorite flower. You're looking great for your date!
Fleegle: Yup there's no way anything could ruin this for you.
Bingo: Gee thanks Amy and Fleegle (sighs). I guess all I have left to say is... don't make me go in there! Please, I've never been on a date before!
Fleegle: You can do this buddy.
Bingo: Yeah well, what if I can't? I don't know the first thing about romance! I'm good at hanging with boys. See?
Amy: Hey I'm a girl.
Bingo: Sorry Amy.
Fleegle: Just be confident and fake like you knew what you're doing and everything will be fine.
Amy: Yeah, you're going to be amazing! Now get in here.
Bingo goes in nervous and narrow minded.
Bingo: Hello madam. I am here for a date.
Waiter #2: Lots of people have dates. Do you have a reservation?
BIngo: Was I supposed to make one?
Imaginary Fleegle: Remember what I said, Bing. Fake like you know what you're doing and everything will be fine. Mwah!
Bingo: Thanks, Imaginary Fleeg. I think you'll find a reservation for.. that table right over there.
Waiter #2: Huh? Oh...(gasps). Oh my gravy and biscuits! Of course, right this way. We've been expecting you.
Bingo: Thank you, my lady. Guess Fleegle knows his stuff.
Hootie arrives at the restaurant and sits at the table where Bingo is at.
Hootie: This is such a nice place. I didn't know this is how you rolled.
Bingo: Yeah I'm full of surprises. Like the babysitter in that classic thriller, I Think My Babysitter's An Alien. Hehehehe.
Hootie: I've seen that movie five times. I loved the part where the aliens get exploded and it's so cool.
Bingo: I think you'll find there's a lot of things about me that are cool. Whoa!
Flowers accidentally fell onto Hootie's head.
Bingo: Oh no I'm sorry! I goofed it up!
Hootie: it's OK I'll just run to the bathroom and wipe off the flowers.
Imaginary Fleegle: Keep faking it because you are making it.
Bingo: I guess I am, Imaginary Fleegle. I never would have thought that the secret to dating is confidence.
Waiter #1: what's this? Oh you got a lot of nerve!
Bingo: thank you and as a dating man or ape who does dating, having nerve is key.
Waiter #1: I'm not talking about your date! You stole this table from Tony Macaroni!
Collective gasps fill the room.

Banana Splits and Friends
AvventuraFleegle the beagle brings his friends on the craziest and most insane adventures ever in their whole lives. Even though they're working on something important or just goofing off with one another, they still manage to make the most of it! And they m...