Banana Splits Most Wanted: Part 2

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This episode takes the boys in jail and the girls trying to find who really did the heinous crime that would really put the boys in prison. The girls first go to the prison to talk to the boys about who framed them.

Girl Cop #1: All right, ladies. You got five minutes.

They go into the cell pads to find BIngo, Snorky, Fleegle and Drooper in prison outfits and crying their eyes out. 

Fleegle: Amy? Girls? You're ok!

Bingo: We thought we'd never see your sweet faces again. 

Hootie: We're trying to set you free anyway we can, guys.

Bon Bon: Don't give up hope!

Drooper: How? Not even the police will believe us and set us free.

Snorky: [Honks worriedly] 

Harmony: I promise you guys, we will find whoever did this to you and make them pay for what they've done!

All Boys: Ok.

Girl Cop 1: All right, time's over! 

Hootie: Ok.

All of the ladies leave the room but Amy says one more thing before they all go.

Amy: And Fleegle... I love you.

Fleegle: I love you too, Amy.

Amy and Fleegle: [Both crying of out grief] 

The girls all leave out the police district and they come up with a plan.

Harmony: I still can't believe the police don't trust us either. 

Bon Bon: What about Sammy Fox? You know, the officer who helped us defeat the Fiendish Five and destroy Black Thunder?

Hootie: We will not speak of Thunder again as much I don't to talk about this.

Amy: Well we need to still find whoever did this.

Sammy comes on from behind the girls with a clue in her hands.

Sammy: I do have a clue, ladies.

Bon Bon: Really? Wait, what is it?

Sammy: At the scene of the crime, I found a piece of silver metal which was identified in certain types of robots. Like animatronics. And on the footage, I also saw Drooper's eyes glow red like he was being activated on purpose. 

Harmony: Who do we know that's metal, glows red eyes, uses a specific type of metal found in barren areas and would be control in order to steal not all by themselves? 

Sammy: I also found this. 

Sammy reveals a white oil sample from the crime scene.

Amy: That's oil. 

Hootie: Wait a minute... I've seen that type of oil before. 

Bon Bon: WHERE!?!!? 

Hootie: When we fought the Boy Robot Splits and Gustav when we were doing chores around the house.

All: [Gasps in shock]

Harmony: Gustav! HE DID THIS?!?!?!

Hootie: I swear I'll rip that crocodile limb from limb! 

Bon Bon: Permission to be outraged, Amy?

Amy: Permission VERY GRANTED, BONNY!

Bon Bon: Rahhhh!! That two-faced scaly, scamming, no-good..... YAHHHHHH!!!!

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