All Hail King Drooper: Part 1

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This story takes Drooper as an adult on a new level of royalty but there's a challenge to being king: To defend the kingdom in the savanna from invaders coming from someplace evil incarnate. And he finally knows what it's like to be top predator. One more detail because this is also where Drooper finally find his long-lost parents: Zumba and Savanna along with Drooper's cousin named Leyla who's also a lioness. One more thing. They also meet a new friend: Speedy the cheetah.

But it all started on a Friday morning and Fleegle asks Drooper to get the mail and heads outside to the mailbox.

Fleegle: Drooper, mail's here!

Drooper: I'm on it, Fleeg!

Drooper walks out the door and walks to the mailbox to get the bills and letters sent to the clubhouse. 

Drooper: Junk mail, bill for WIFI, receipt from the supermarket.....

Drooper sees the last envelope and it's a letter from someone asking if they would like to go on a trip to Africa but there's a matter of the utmost importance.

Drooper runs inside of the house to tell his friends the good news.

Drooper: Guys, guys!

Harmony: What is it, Drooper?

Drooper: One of the letters said "We invite you to a grand trip to one of the Earth's greatest places: The African outback! Come quick, tell your friends and family and have fun in the Great Serengeti!

Bingo: Wow! That is so cool!

Snorky: (Honks)

Amy: Yeah, Snorky. We can go and we'll protect you from any evil animals. 

Hootie: When can we leave?

Drooper: Well the invite said about 1:30 in the afternoon and right now it's 9:20, so we should be ready to get on the plane by then.

Bon Bon: That is so exciting! All right everyone, let's pack up our things but let's be swift about it. 

The team packs up their stuff in suitcases and bags and Drooper brushed his mane and sharpen his claws with a nail file. 

Then the team taxes a van to the airport and are super excited to go to Africa.

Fleegle: Oh boy! We're gonna have so much fun!

Drooper: Couldn't agree any more, Fleeg!

Snorky: (Honks) 

Bon Bon: Yeah, Snorky. We'll go into the VIP section of the plane so we'll get the special treatment.

Bingo: Oh, maybe they have those little food samples I like.

Amy: Same old Bingo. His muscles are bigger than his stomach and his heart is bigger than his stomach.

BIngo: True that.

Harmony: (Purring)

Fleegle: Awww.... kitty, kitty, kitty.

The Splits finally get to the airport after 30 minutes of driving and went inside of the airstate building to get their supplies administrated and their bodies scanned with a few problems along the way but they still manage to go through.

Hootie: Finally, that took forever!

Bingo: 12 minutes is not forever.

Fleegle: It is with us.

Amy: Yeah but look at the bright side. We finally got checked in for a plane which should be here..... Now.

The plane comes in the nick of time, waiting to come get the team to their designated area.

They get attended on the plane and got the best seats in the cabin.

Drooper: We made it.  

Hootie: Well we better make ourselves comfortable cause this might be a long flight there.

Bingo: Good thing I brought extra supplies in case there's no more food left.

Amy: Ok. Looks like someone came prepared.

Fleegle: Well everyone hold on.

The plane then flies off into the sky and ready to bring the team to Africa so they can have a great and amazing trip.

Then they head to the bedroom section and sees four separate beds to the room. And the team were a little shocked.

Harmony: Well..... this was unpredictable.

Bingo: What is this? There are four beds and eight of us.

Fleegle: So we'll have to improvise. Amy and me will sleep on that bed. Harmony and Snorky sleep on that one. Bon Bon and Hootie, use that one. And Drooper and Bingo will use that one.

Both: WHAT???

Drooper: I'm not sleeping with banana breath here!

BIngo: Same here, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer!

Drooper: I'm a lion! And no way, no how I'm going with him.

The following night, they were sleeping perfectly in their beds with their heads cozy and bodies calm under the sweet caress of blankets.

Drooper had this weird feeling that he's been to Africa before.

Drooper then shrugs it off and heads to sleep with his PJs on and nightcap.

After hours of sleeping with good dreams in their minds, the team finally makes it to Africa in about 2 days.

Airplane Attendant: We have arrived at the wild safaris of Kenya. Please make your way to the exit door and step outside. 

The team grabs their bags and head outside to see the glories of Africa.

Snorky got excited and starts running and hopping all over like a hyperactive rabbit. 

Bingo: I know you're excited but calm down, Snork!

Fleegle: Yeah! We got to find our huts and put our stuff inside and have a good trip.

Then a tour jeep with a guide named Alice comes and wants to give her new passengers a free ride.

Alice was a brunette with shorts on and an adventurer hat on her head.

Alice: Hello, friends. Would you like a free ride around the plains.

All: Yes please!

They ride inside the safari jeep and they head out into the great wilderness of Africa.

Heroic music plays and credits roll in.

Drooper: (Looks at the Fourth Wall) See ya'll later, partners! 

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