Band of Misfits: Part 7

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Now that the Contessa was is prison herself, The Splits now focus on getting the Black Thunder parts from another Klaww Gang member: Jean Bison who was doing spice shipment transport across the nation from Canada.

Fleegle: [Naratting] Following the trail of spice shipments, we made our way up to Nunavut Bay, Canada, the secret hub of Jean Bison's shipping empire. As a young man, he trekked across Canada to strike it rich during the Gold Rush of 1852. An avid prospector, he took some chances and ended up buried alive in an avalanche. Miraculously, the quick freeze kept him alive and 120 years later, thanks to global warming, he thawed out.

 A product of his time, he dreams of taming the  Wild North,  damming every river and chopping down all the trees with progress delivered at the sharp end of an ax. Shipping spice for the Klaww Gang proved a lucrative way to bankroll his one-man war against nature. And yet, I have to feel a little sorry for him. He's just a normal guy from the 1850s. Back in his day, he'd be a hero, but today, he's a villain. Either way, that man's got more than his fair share of the Black Thunder parts. What a low tech guy like Jean Bison is doing with robot parts is a mystery. I almost don't want to know. But as always, it's only a matter of time before I find out.

Fleegle and his team was hiding out in a nearby cabin and started to prepare for their mission.

Hootie: But Fleegle.... I think you're leaving out the most dangerous part of all.

Drooper: She's right about that, there. 

Fleegle: Nope. Afraid I was saving the worst for last. Canadian moose and ram security. Don't expect a pack of syrup-drinking, dimwitted, hardheaded baddies here, everyone. Weather's cold in Canada. So are the souls. And Bison's is colder than the chilliest piece of ice there is!

Amy: So we might have a few jobs to pull if we're going to find out what Bison's up to. So first, Bon Bon and I can sneak inside Jean Bison's cabin to find the blueprints for all three of his trains called the Iron Horses. Meanwhile Bingo, Drooper and Hootie can fly the local plane which will allow one of them to drop down and pop the balloons filled with gas and once the tank is filled, the roof on the train will explode then continue it over and over to the two other trains. Which leaves Harmony, Fleegle and Snorky with the diceiest job of all: Actually sneaking on all three trains to get the Thunder parts one by one. 

Bingo: Should be easy enough. 

Bon Bon: Considering anything we ever do is easy. Let's go, Amy.

The two exit the safehouse onto Jean Bison's cabin and find the blueprints hidden. They enter the cabin but what they didn't expect was to see Jean Bison walking around in circles.

Bon Bon: Ahhhh-

Amy: Shh. [Whispering] I think he didn't notice us come in. Just sneak around him and search for the blueprints in the room. 

Bon Bon: [Whispers] Ok. After we're done with this operation, maybe we can rent a cabin. Feels so rustic and homey. 

While they were looking around the cabin, Jean Bison was talking to his colleague and fellow Klaww Gang Member: Arpeggio!

Jean Bison: Salutations, Mr Arpeggio. 

Arpeggio: [Intercom] Hello, my boar-headed friend. But must we talk through that blasted speakerphone? 

Jean Bison: I think better when my legs move. Pumps blood to your brain.

Amy: [Hushed] If he had one. 

Bon Bon: [Whispering] Arpeggio must be working on some weird evil project which will probably end in world-threatening peril. 

Jean Bison: Sounds like all you're missing is some northern light electricity.

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