All Hail King Drooper: Part 3

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This episode takes the lion further into his Adventure of royalty. Drooper meets some new friends, new family and new foes. But everyone is celebrating for Drooper's return.

Zumba: This calls for a celebration in my son's honor!

Speedy: We can make Africa proud and graceful once again!

Bingo: They like us!

Fleegle: Now this is a live audience!

Amy: You got to love a great family reunion!

The team go around the watering hole to greet and meet new faces they've never seen before.

Bingo: Excuse me. My name's Bingo. I'm kinda new around here.

Apes: Hello, Bingo!

Bingo was shocked to other apes that were like him in almost every way.

Bingo: Oh hey! You're a good looking group. You like to swing on vines?

All: Yeah! Swinging is ape crazy!

Bingo: That's right! That's right! Ape crazy! You guys are speaking my ape crazy language.

The screen cuts to Snorky going to his old elephant herd.

Snorky: (Honks kindly)

Elephant: Hey kiddo! If you're truly an elephant, then you should be able to honk loudly.

Snorky accepted the challenge and takes a deep breath to honk very loud.

Snorky: (Honks loudly)

The honk he gave off sended the other elephants with surprise and shock that a newbie like Snorky call pull off such an impressive feat like this.

Elephant: That was.... impressive. I guess you're in the herd.

The screens cut to the rest of the team having fun with their new peers and friends.

And Zumba brings Drooper to the pride of lions.

Zumba: Hey everybody! I just found out my son is the doggone king! The King of ToonTown!

All: (Cheering in joy)

Zumba: Show us some of your moves, son. Come on! Don't be bashful.

Drooper: All right. Oh, this one always knocks them dead! (Roars)

Drooper shows off his best pose: The Mighty King!

The crowd was excited to see Drooper pull off a great trick.

Zumba: The king is mad! The king is mad! (Chuckles) Now, let's all welcome him back into the pride with open arms!

Drooper jumps in the pile with the other lions carrying in a straight line.

Fleegle starts to get bit of an evil vibe to this whole ordeal.

Fleegle: Hmmm.....

The animals still continued their fun with their new peers and they start to grow and grow more at home there in Africa.

Drooper was still being carried by the pride until he falls with Zeus holding his arms out.

Drooper: Ow! Right in the noggin!

Zeus: Oops. I'd hate to be a party pooper Zumba, but some of the other lions were asking about when you're going to banish your son.

Zumba: What are you talking about, Zeus?

Zeus: It's nothing really. They're griping about how Drooper never made it through the rite of passage and blah, blah, blah so technically speaking, he can't be a member of the pride. It's nonsense.

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