Stinky Skunk pulls a prank on someone's house, the rest of the Splits and an old wizard pulled off a piece of his fur.
Wizard: You're going to pay! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Except it was all a dream and Stinky is sitting at the table with Fleegle and Hootie.
Stinky: Guys, I swear! The wizard probably cursed or something!
Fleegle: Hey I have have been a magician in my teen years, but even I have to say magic is baloney.
Hootie: Yeah. If that wizard wanted to get you, you'd be dead already.
Stinky saw a shadow figure of the wizard going past the sink.
Hootie: Stinky, are you ok?
Stinky: Ooh! I don't feel so good. Aghhh!
Stinky falls to the ground but to everyone's surprise a door number comes out of the skunk's chest.
Fleegle: What is that?
Stinky: It won't come off!
Fleegle: Ok. One the count of three, me and Hootie are going to try and pull it out. One. Two. Three!
Stinky: OW ow ow ow ow owowow! Quit it!
Then a door handle came out from his stomach.
Stinky: (Groans)
Fleegle: OK. I'll be the first to say it: That wizard put a curse on you!
Stinky: Ya think? Ahh!
Fleegle: YOU need to go apologize to him.
Stinky: What? No way. Ahhhhhh! OK I'll apologize.
The three animals run out the house but Stinky is turning into a house completely.
Stinky: Guys! I can't move!
Hootie: Don't worry Stinky!
Fleegle: Yeah! We'll go find the wizard buddy.
Hootie and Fleegle went to the wizard's house to confront him about Stinky.
Fleegle knocks on the door but nobody was at home until a cat jumps out, scaring the twosome.
Both: Ahhh!
Then one of their walkie-talkies rang and it was Drooper calling them.
Fleegle: What's the problem Droopy?
Drooper: We have a situation.
Hootie: All right. We'll be there in 5 mins.
The dog and owl leave, but a man picks up the cat from the window.
Then they return to the clubhouse to see Stinky is an actual house.
Bingo: Aw sick!
Stinky: Fleegle.
Fleegle: Holy great German Shepherds! You're a house!
Stinky: Did you two find the wizard?
Hootie: He wasn't home.
All the antimorphic animals walk in the Stinky house.
Fleegle: (Coughs) It smells like Stinky in here.
Harmony: Quite unsettling.
The Splits explore the house and look around.
Bingo: Aw check it! There's stairs! Come on Snorky! Let's run on 'em!
Bon Bon: This is crazy! You're actually a house.
Stinky: What do we do now? I don't wanna stay like this forever.

Banana Splits and Friends
AdventureFleegle the beagle brings his friends on the craziest and most insane adventures ever in their whole lives. Even though they're working on something important or just goofing off with one another, they still manage to make the most of it! And they m...