This episode features Bon Bon having a problem and the team concocts a mixture to help cure it, but it also triggers Bon Bon's dino transformation. But Bon Bon realizes that being a dinosaur isn't so bad when Beverly attacks and it's up to Dino Bon to save the day!
Bon Bon then wakes up to her having a stomach ache for an unknown reason.
Bon Bon: [Groans uneasy and sick.]
Bingo: You ok, Bon Bon?
Bon Bon: My stomach feels weird. Must've been something I ate.
Fleegle: Maybe you're just having a little indigestion at the time. Just make sure to drink water.
Bon Bon: It feels like I'm going to pass out any second now. [Groans]
Amy: Maybe it's time for Lab Scientist Amy to shine a light on the situation.
The screen switches to a laboratory setting so Amy can work on a solution for Bon Bon.
Amy: Ok. Some sodium Bicarbonate, Aluminum Hydroxide, hydrochloric acid,Magnesium Hydroxide....
Bon Bon: Are you done yet? My stomach's about to explode!
Amy: And a hint of orange juice for taste.
A rat run across the desk, which causes Amy to accidentally put some Lola quadrennium hydrochlorothiazide in the mixture.
Amy: Pesky rats! Anyway, drink this and you should be feeling better in no time.
Bon Bon: Ok. [Drinks the chemical concoction in one sitting.]
She drinks the serum, but what they don't know is that the Lola quadrennium hydrochlorothiazide holds another surprise.
They head back to the living room and decides to watch TV with the others.
3 hours later...
Bon Bon was suddenly looking better and her stomach feels empty inside.
Bon Bon: Something still feels weird. My hands and feet feel they're going to burst.
Amy: Must be an after effect of the serum. Just wait it out.
Then Bon Bon feels a strong feeling in her body that she couldn't control.
Bon Bon: [Grunts then groans] I feel like I'm going to burst!
Hootie: Oh no! Are you ok?
Harmony: What's going on?
Bon Bon: I don't.. KNOOOWWW! [Growls]
Drooper: What's happening to her?
Bon Bon was transforming into her dinosaur form once again, and she couldn't stop it.
Amy: She's transforming into kind of... hideous monster.
Bon Bon was growing sharp teeth, a long scaly tail, her sandals got ripped, her hair got longer and her eyes changed irises plus she grew 6 feet taller than her friends. And her skin turned green with pride and relief.
Bon Bon: No! Can't keep from tearing through my skin. Can't stop myself.... [Roars] Darn these pathetic rags! Got break free! [Growls]
She stops in her full transformation and she stands up to her friends' faces.
BIngo: Bon Bon, are.. you ok?
Bon Bon: Ok? I've never felt been better in my life! That felt so good and so powerful. [Flexes] Plus this skin hides muscles I didn't think I would ever have. Rrrr! Look at these bulging muscles! Oooh!
Banana Splits and Friends
AdventureFleegle the beagle brings his friends on the craziest and most insane adventures ever in their whole lives. Even though they're working on something important or just goofing off with one another, they still manage to make the most of it! And they m...