Sniffer's Return

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This  chapter brings Fleegle and the team's old enemy, Sniffer the bulldog back from the grave and out for revenge against his foes. But he's not alone because a black cat named Xavier is working with him. And they Have a surprise for the Banana Splits! It all started when Harmony and Drooper were kicking of the restaurant because they don't allow pets.


They land on the pavement hurt and dazed.

Harmony: You can't do that to a lady!

Drooper: Plus I'm not a pet even though I'm technically a cat. 

Then Xavier comes towards the lion and cat duo with his gang of cats.

Xavier: Well, well, well. (Chuckles) Look what we got here. You know if I wasn't a betting cat, I'd say Harmony here's trying to break into the restaurant!

Xavier grabs Harmony by her neck and holds her up to him.

Lightning: That's sure what it looks like.

Topsy: This our alley, punks! Which makes this our restaurant!

Xavier: What! Hold up! You trying to break in our restaurant?

Harmony: Look I want no trouble so just let me go and we'll be on our way.

Drooper: Yeah, partners! We will just leave and just go. 

Xavier: Yo guys, don't worry about it. It was a big misunderstanding. Right, Harmy?

Harmony: (Giggles)

Xavier: You laughing at me? I'm sure you know what I do to  cats that laugh at me.

Drooper: You wouldn't dare hurt her. (Growls)

Topsy: Come on, Boss! Preach! Preach to her!

Xavier: I was about to if you would shut that grill and let me handle this!

Harmony and Drooper see an Animal Control van drive by and Harmony gets an idea.

Xavier: So you gonna answer me?

Drooper: (Whistles)

The Animal Control man came back to catch the gang of cats while Harmony and Drooper get away safe and sound.

Lightning: It's the po-po! Run!

Meathead: Aw, not again!

They run away from the man who is trying to catch the gang.

Xavier:(In distance) Hey! I'll see you again, Harmony! And I'll pay you back... with a whooping!

Animal Control: Get back here! 

Harmony and Drooper run back safe to the clubhouse and tell them what had happened to them.

Amy: So Xavier tried to hurt you because you guys wanted to go to a restaurant?

Fleegle: You know him. He sees something on the streets then declares it his.

Bingo: Well wherever he is, we need to find and bring him to justice.


Bon Bon: Don't worry, buddy. We'll make sure he doesn't make any more trouble again.

Hootie: But we need to find him first.

The team get in the Buggies and search around the city to ask if they've seen Xavier or his goons anywhere.

Then searched around and asked question to find the black cat but they have found nothing from anyone's information. 

Hootie: It just doesn't make any sense that nobody seen this guy. You'd figure a black cat would be easy to see from all distances.

Harmony: When I find him, I'm going to claw so many holes in that milk-lapper!

Bingo: Ok. Wait a minute....

Bingo sees a fat striped cat and decides to follow him. 

Fleegle: Where are you going, BIng?

BIngo: I have some bad vibes on that tabby. Let's follow him and find out where he's going.

The team starts to follow the cat around silently and stealthy.

Snorky:(Honks quietly)

Hootie:(Whispers)It's ok. Just keep quiet.

Buriser: What's that? Hmm.

The team continued to follow Bruiser to his hideout until they finally make it.

Fleegle: Well that's the place he went to. 

Hootie: That looks uber-creepy.

Amy: Can we not go into the uber-creepy warehouse?

Bingo: Is the big bad shark scared? (Laughs)

Amy: You know I can still eat you right?

BIngo: (Whimpers)

The team goes inside but found nothing inside of the place anywhere but they decided to look around. 

Drooper: Huh. This seem suspicious of a sort unless.... it's a trap!

Eight separate cages have trapped the entire band of misfits in shambles.

Mysterious Voice: Fleegle the Beagle. We meet once again.

Fleegle: Who are you? Show yourself!

Sniffer: You already know me. Especially my name. Sniffer the bulldog.

Fleegle: (Gasps) Sniffer?

Bon Bon: How are you still alive? You fell into a vat of acid back in the city!

Sniffer: Let's just say I had help from a certain old enemy of yours. And with a few remodeling jobs done, I was reborn!

Xavier: Well, well. So we meet again. You know you and me, Harmony, we have unfinished business to settle. 

Sniffer: And I see you already met my cohort, Xavier the black cat.

Drooper: How dare you? I'll have your fur for this!

Xavier: How gonna do that when we're out here in you're in there?

Bingo: By doing this!

BIngo bends the bars with his impressive animal strength. Then he pounds his chest to show intimidation towards the two.

Sniffer: Get them, you whiskered fools!

Bingo frees his friends from their cages and join the fight alongside him. 

The team starts fighting the villains and landing punches on one another but Harmony and Sniffer stood face to face.

Sniffer: Here kitty, kitty, kitty!

Harmony: (Hisses)

Harmony then  jumps on his back and scratches his head.

Sniffer: Get off me, feline failure!

Then Fleegle comes in to hit him in the face.

Harmony: Come on, Fleegle! Let's take him down!

Fleegle: Couldn't agree more with you, Harmony!

Harmony swings Fleegle towards Sniffer and sucker-punches him to the stomach till he passed out from the impact.

Sniffer: You may have defeated me but you'll never beat Black Thunder even if you find him. Your family's name will be in danger!

The rest of the team had beaten Xavier and his goons then left them for the cops.

They finally returned to the clubhouse and Fleegle wondered if he kept avoiding this threat, then his family would be erased from history so the right time was now!

Fleegle: Guys, we can't sit around while this Black Thunder guy keeps causing trouble for us! Now we finally take the fight to him!

All: YES!

Dramatic music plays and credits roll in.

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