The Bananasis Splitsicus: Part 3

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This chapter takes the team to Haiti to face the third member of the FIve: Mz.Ruby.

The team drives off to Haiti to face Mz Ruby.

Fleegle:(narrating): The third member of the Fiendish Five was the infamous voodoo priestess, Mz. Ruby. Born into a family of mystics, other children found her... scary, teaching herself to summon the undead, provided what few friends she had. A career in crime allowed an adult Mz. Ruby to punish the world for fearing her as a child. Chief mystic for the Fiendish Five, her powers allowed them to break both the laws of man and nature at the same time. Yet, despite the whirlwind success of her youth, she'd managed to slip into obscurity. Last known sightings claimed she headed out of civilization and deep into the Haitian jungle. 

The team finally makes it to the Haiti jungle to find Mz. Ruby and bring her to justice. 

Drooper, Bon Bon and BIngo get out of the car to start their search for the mystic priestess. 

Fleegle: Sorry guys but you'll have to do this mission without the rest of us?

Bingo: Don't tell me you believe in ghosts, do you? 

Snorky: (Honks scaredly) 

Drooper: It's ok, partner. 

Harmony: But our seismograph is picking up supernatural activity.

Bon Bon: Well we can't back out now. We need to retrieve the Bananasis Splitsicus from Mz. Ruby and claim back our birthrights of our ancestors.

Bingo: All right. Let's go find where she could be hiding.

Bon Bon sees a weird rock that looks like a crocodile's head.

Fleegle: That's Mz. Ruby's lair. To get in, you'll need that key on top of a tiki pedestal in the guard compound. There's a bad mojo force field protecting it, so you'll have to destroy all five of the purple candles surrounding it. 

Bingo: No problem.

Drooper: Let's not get too cocky. My tail is tingling with bad vibes. 

Bon Bon: Stay on your paws.

The ape, mongoose and lion team goes around the jungle to pass through challenges to get all five keys.

BIngo had to dodge a giant creature by swinging from trees, using his agility and wits above him to grab two of the keys.

Drooper had to drive a boat to race four laps in about  20 minutes.

Drooper: All right. So I guess I have to race around this here course, eh? I'll done faster than a hyperactive cheetah! Which I met a cheetah before as a kid. 

Drooper uses his tail as a steering pedal as an advantage to win the race.

He finally uses his tail to grab on to the final pole to launch himself to the finish line.

Drooper: I won! Ha-ha! Eat corn husks, you sludge-eating, stick carrying varmints! 

Then Bon Bon goes into the chicken coop and tries to catch 50 chickens so she can put them back into their mini farms. But they were acting too surly and hyper to grab.

Bon Bon: Come on, you crazy chickens! You got to back to your pens.

Henrietta was one of the chickens loose but she wasn't like any other chicken.

Henrietta: (Clucking) I can't go back to that horrid alligator! She'll torture and use me for her evil spells and incarnations.

Bon Bon: I can help you escape. Why don't you come with me? 

Henrietta: Of course.

Henrietta climbs on top of Bon Bon's head and walks away with her to the car.

Drooper: All right. All we need to do is get one more key and Mz. Ruby is gon' be finished.

Bingo: I'll do it.

Bingo goes into the swamp to find the last key.

BIngo: This shouldn't be too hard to find a key. 

Bingo sees the key but it's being protected by 20 guards with magic amulets so BIngo must trend carefully to get the key.

Bingo uses the trees as cover and to sneak past the guards and grabs the key.

Drooper: All right. We got all the keys and so now, let's go fight Mz. Ruby!

They unlocked the door and run inside to face the mystic magician.

Mz. Ruby: Mmm, I could feel that lion vibe coming. Most distastefully bad juju.

Drooper: Well you give us the creeps too, lady. Cooking up an army of ghosts isn't a very neighborly pastime.

Mz. Ruby: (Laughs) Oh, children, I see your mouths moving, but all I hear is blah, blah, blah. Well, if jaws need to flap, then let them flap. See you in the next world, kids.

They chase Mz. Ruby to the next area to participate in her evil games.

Bingo: Come back here! You can't run away forever!

Mz. Ruby: Quite true, quite true. Why don't I have my servant, Chumley, escort you over here?

Bon Bon: All right, what's the catch?

Mz. Ruby: Oh, not much. Just a little game I like to play with all my annoying guests. I want to see how well you pay attention.

Drooper: What do you mean, you slime-covered scaled magi?

Mz. Ruby: Well, I'll unleash my mighty mojo magic upon you. If you repeat what I do, you'll dodge it just fine. If not, you'll get zapped. (Laughs)

Bingo: A little voodoo Simon Says, eh? Sounds easy enough.

They danced with Mz. Ruby and they dodged her attacks but at the end, they finally beat her at her voodoo game.

Mz. Ruby: You've certainly got some rhythm, lion, but it won't help none if you're fixing to go after the Panda King. He's tough with a capital T. If you go poking around his stronghold in China, you're likely to get poked back.

Drooper: Yeah, well if he's anything like the rest of you, I think I'll manage.

Fleegle (narrating): Mz. Ruby's section of the Bananasis Splitsicus held notes from my pioneering ancestor, Beagetunkhamen. His invisibility technique allowed him to steal from corrupt pharaohs and greedy noblemen.

Fleegle (narrating): Right on schedule, Inspector Fox's arrival cued my exit. The production of zombies, made illegal in the World Peace Accord of '71, earned Mz. Ruby a life sentence behind bars. While the gang and I enjoyed a few weeks in the tropical sunshine, working on our tans in preparation for our next caper.

Next chapter, the team is going to China to fight the fourth member of the Five: The Panda King.

To be continued......

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